Watch out for the Milkman

And give me a break with the Phil Rivers sob stories. "And then he got bit by a dog, after saving three children from a wild rabbit after he lost his contacts and could barely see how he helped an old woman cross the street while using his crutches."
Seriously, everyone needs to chill with the Patriot hating. What's the deal? Playing hard and winning is suddenly bad. I can't believe we have to wait another week for football. I don't know what to do with myself. And then what do we do after the Super Bowl? I guess focus on spring training.
So what's up with your Johnny "Traitor" Damon endorsing Rudy? Are you serious? Will Wolf Blitzer be interviewing him next? Wait, will people actually vote for someone because Damon endorsed them? I'm scared.
AP Photo, Milk Processor Education Program
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