Stomp on You!

I actually had a chance to watch the Giants parade in NYC and got to hear Strahan's speech. Pretty funny stuff. I'm sure you heard about it so I won't repeat it but here's a picture nonetheless.
In other news, how about that Shaq trade? Out of nowhere it seems. I suppose he got the better end of that deal since he's going to a winning team. He did all he said he was going to do for the Heat so we can't be too mad.
In Yankees news, Robinson Cano signed a contract with them! I'm super happy to know he'll stay and grow as a Yankee just like all of our players who came out of our farm system should.
And did you hear what amenities the new Yankee Stadium is going to have? Top of the line amenities! Crazy. I wish I could go to the All-Star game at the House that Ruth Built, though. One for the memories.
PS: I realized this year is my high school 10-year reunion. Scary thought!
Photo: Ulises Seit, New York Times
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