Cora's Gone

And Youk signed a four-year deal for $41 mill. What would you do with $41 million? Hm. A lot. I'd buy tickets to a Steelers home game, lower level seats; a Pats homer, lower level; and a Sox game, home plate. I'd fly first class and buy lots of overpriced stuff from the team stores. That would leave me with - $40,995,000 million. But Cora is gone. He's now headed to the Mets. Oh man, I'm sad. He's good, but overlooked. He's saved our butts in a few instances, as my now very-upset mother points out correctly.
So now on to the exciting stuff: Steelers-Ravens. Of course you have to root against Big Ben. What's your issue? I must have been your enemy in another life. It's like everything I like, you hate!
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