Cora's Gone
Oh goodness. Smoltzy is on our side now. Nice. My sister's been hoping for this for a long time, but didn't actually think it would happen. Is he in the 40-year-old pitchers club, Dear Criss? Why are all of our pitchers in their 40s? I mean, it's fine if they're rocking it, it just seems kinda interesting. (Maybe pitchers hit their prime at 40? Is Curty coming back?) For all the hoopla they give Varitek about being 37 ... Hope Smoltz and Matsuzaka are pitching when I go to spring training. And Penny, too! With Varitek catching. RE-SIGN VARITEK NOW!!!!
And Youk signed a four-year deal for $41 mill. What would you do with $41 million? Hm. A lot. I'd buy tickets to a Steelers home game, lower level seats; a Pats homer, lower level; and a Sox game, home plate. I'd fly first class and buy lots of overpriced stuff from the team stores. That would leave me with - $40,995,000 million. But Cora is gone. He's now headed to the Mets. Oh man, I'm sad. He's good, but overlooked. He's saved our butts in a few instances, as my now very-upset mother points out correctly.
So now on to the exciting stuff: Steelers-Ravens. Of course you have to root against Big Ben. What's your issue? I must have been your enemy in another life. It's like everything I like, you hate!
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