Well, your darling #13
tested positive for steroids in 2003,
Dear Criss. Lucky he will not be held accountable for that. So he was an MVP that season, too? Wow. I mean, you trash my fogie 'Tek, but I'll take my oldies but goodies any time. (You try squatting for five minutes, and tell me if you can do it.) I didn't need this story to help me form an opinion about this guy. And I'd rather not waste any more space on him. But I am disappointed UM put his name on Mark Light Stadium and will be honoring him this week. We're picking the wrong heroes.
The Phelps thing is so ridiculous. What was he thinking? "Hey, guys! Check this out. Take a picture, too!" Dork. Talk about embarrassing his mother, the principal of all things! I like him, and this doesn't really change my opinion about him, but he does need to mature a little bit. Hope he learned a lesson.
Finally, if Torre was with his close friends in his backyard, he would admit in a second that the best years of his life are happening right now in L.A.
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