Dear Criss. I'm calling you tomorrow because I need to know what the deal is with where you are! I mean it's fun taking over with all Red Sox, all day, but I sorta feel guilty now. I mean, maybe you're just moping over the Yankees' losses to the Marlins. Or maybe you're exhausted like A-Fraud.

So it was memory lane this weekend with Derek Lowe coming back. Sorta sad. Now, I must confess that I said a few things about Nick Green to my television that I'm not proud of, but the truth is, nobody was playing great defense yesterday, so why did I have to blame poor Nick? Well, I'm terribly sorry, because he came through with a walk-off homerun (I saw you, too, Papi) to save the looong day and prove the doubters (me and me) wrong. Now tell me, does he look like Doug Flutie and Rick Springfield or what?
Nick: AP photo
Rick at mike: Boston Globe
Rick at drums: AP photo
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