Two out of three; not bad. Should've been a sweep. Lester was extraordinary again. I mean, wow! We need help with the rest of our pitching staff. Oh my! But let's not look at today's game. The overall weekend was pretty good. What a whirlwind with 13 innings on Friday! We gave Philly - the world champs, may I add - a real good run for their money. I loved it. But tv pumped up the Mets-Yankees game when I really think Sox-Phillies was bigger. Didn't show one game. Just answer this: Who won the World Series in 2008 and 2007? We play the Marlins next,
Dear Criss. (Are you back yet?)
Coach Calhoun's in the hospital with several broken ribs, yikes. Stay off the bike.
RoxyAP photo
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