Blog Hog: Settle for a Slowdown

In 2004, there was a great fight that proved to be the season's turning point. Could the Tigers-Sox fight be the 2009 moment, Dear Criss? Not a chance. This thing's headed for a break down. It's sad what the season has come to now. How did this happen? Am I giving up? Not totally, but it doesn't look good. I'm getting a little tired of the nonsense. I don't want to go in as a wild card and choke. Might as well not even make it. Wow! I'm all gloom and doom today, sorry.
So they showed the pre-season Steelers-Cards game. It was nice to see Ben for a few minutes, but, man, those games are snoozers. I always last like 10 minutes.
Why are you so quiet? No insults, no taunts? I'm concerned.
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