Monday, August 10, 2009

Turn Around: Every Now and Then I Fall Apart

I can't tell you how frustrating this weekend was and the last five weeks, Dear Criss. And then there's Papi. I'll still support him. The union guy said being on that list doesn't necessarily mean he tested positive. If he took the magic supplements, were they really illegal? Not in 2003. And PLUS, your geeks admitted their steroids, true, but of course, they ONLY took steroids for one week - maybe even one time - and never again since 1994. You can't compare your people to mine. Blech.

I can't take the 15 inning games just to lose. Can't take my pitchers being thrown out when yours just get warnings. Can't take the A-Roid walk-offs. I'd rather stay up until 2 a.m. watching a scoreless soccer match. I'd rather drink rotten milk. I'll take the lopsided losses over watching that person cross home plate to win the game. Augh!

So tell me again why we traded Masterson? Why do we still have Delcarmen? Oh, and I am so sorry about Smoltz (truly). I hope there's a chance he decides to go to the minors, turn things around, and come back. I know things don't look good, and let's be honest (as Papelbon comes into tonight's game against the Tigers), even if the Sox enjoy a random resurgence, they cannot win the World Series playing like this. I will add that if we don't make the playoffs, like a bunch of dorks, and you do, there's NO WAY you go to the World Series. If you do, or if we do, we should both be very scared. Very, very scared.


P.S. Didn't know about Hamilton. Bummer. I always wish him well.

AP photo


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