Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas!

I go away for a few days, and the Yankees trade the heart of their team?! Wow! It started with Matsui, now I learn from you that they got rid of Damon and Cabrera? Are you kidding, Dear Criss? I mean, I can't stand any of them, but even I know that's a stupid move.

So what else happened? I heard yesterday that Urban Meyer is leaving UF. No way! But now it became a leave of absence. What in the world is going on up there?

And they're already announcing the winter Olympics. Very cool. I need some figure skating.

Not cool that the Saints blew their perfect season. The Colts blew their season to the stinkin' Jets. Are you serious? But I really, really don't care about the Colts.

You'll go on the 2010 Foxboro adventure with me? No way! Awesome.




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