Got Melk?

Well, since you brought it up, Dear Roxy, I thought that was the funniest thing. Vtek forgetting to cover home plate, Melky running right by, Vtek trying to tag, he trips and falls! Classic!
And speaking of classics, GOT MELK? What an unbelievable catch by non other than Melky! I was so happy! And Damon’s reaction was classic too! Putting his arms up in the air, smiling, pumping his fist…. Someone’s having fun out there. Even Ramirez couldn’t believe it! His reaction was, well, classic! Funny to be exact.
Speaking of which, I gotta thank Manny for being Manny. Thank you, Manny!The guy that never runs decides to try to make a single into a double. Great! But maybe somebody should tell him when to run. He clearly has no clue. Hey, this is not me arguing…. we got him out... I just can't thank him enough.
I must admit that Dave Pauley is kinda cute! He was pretty darn good last night too. But so was Wang. I’m just happy that we survived through that.
Tonight’s game was canceled and the only one happy about that one was Jeter. He’s still hurting from his thumb, but he should be in the lineup tomorrow ;)
And you should be ashamed of talking like that about soccer. V, you are missing a great sport, with awesome players, and even greater legs. You can stick with Vtek and his tripping ways, we don’t need you!
The Finals start tomorrow. Can you believe that neither team has ever been to the Finals? Hopefully Wade and company will be ready to win four games. I know, I know, you don’t care.
Photos: Ray Stubblebine/Reuters; Barton Silverman/NY Times; Shannon Stapleton/NY Times
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