Monday, June 05, 2006

Tainted Love: Don't Tease Me. Please.

Wow. You don't have to get all mean about just handing away the ticket on the street to someone. You so know you're gonna have a good time.

And since when are we calling basketball players "little," Dear Criss? (Still not interested.)

Now, let's get to what's important. I have nothing to say about game 1 of this four game series. Beckett clearly broke up with his girlfriend yesterday. Youk had one beer too many. MILLAR HIT A HOMERUN AGAIN in Baltimore. And I don't want anyone blaming Varitek for what happened. He didn't deserve that error. He's so mad, you could see it. I'm pretty mad. BUT DON'T GET ALL EXCITED NOW; this is a four game series. I'm not worried. This is a pattern: blow out, then better days.

Francona: Pull them earlier than 42 runs in during the 2nd inning. I don't care if it's Beckett or Schilling.

Red Sox: I love you, but wake up.

Matty Clement: You're off the Whatever List after the W in Detroit.

And, again, soccer is B-O-R-I-N-G. I don't care if the world cup was at my office and the boss said everyone can watch the guys play in the hallway; I still wouldn't watch. And you can quote me to your realiable little birdie source.

I think I ate some tainted Jolly Ranchers. I'll explain later.


Photo: Boston Globe


Blogger Kim said...

My big takeaway from last night is that even once Jeter is no longer playing he's going to be a coach for the Yankees. ie...he'll NEVER go away.

7:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beware of the tropical Jolly Ranchers; expecially the BBQ and puke flavors!!! :)

And I agree: soccer is boring.

2:43 AM  
Blogger Sporting Gals said...

Football, or soccer as you boring people call it, is one of the most watched and loved sports in the whole wide world! Get with the program :p

9:52 AM  

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