Dear Criss, blame Varitek for not being at the plate when eeeverybody knows the stupid pitcher shoulda been ready to cover for Varitek if he was busy away from the plate! I will savor his 3-run HR on Thurs. and his great offensive fire that stayed fueled up. Stop picking on Varitek and using every possible demeaning picture of him. Especially when your fools are throwing pitches at Youk's arm. Watch out. I may be a little behind because I had a work function the night of the game and had to finish watching it today, but remember when Pedro pointed to his head in a previous "discussion" with Sheffield? You see where I'm going with that?
"He has the respect of players on this team and around the league. There are guys who go about their business the right way and play the game right. They stand out ... That's why he's got the `C' on his shirt."
JT Snow on Tek. Boston Globe, June 9, 2006 Two thumbs up also for Papi, (yes) Manny, Trot, Coco, Papelbon & Curty for their superb performances in the last few days against the Yankees and Rangers.

If soccer is most watched worldwide, I would venture to say that: 1) It's because, worldwide, they don't have fantastic major sports leagues for football, basketball, tennis and friends. 2) And soccer will never be a major spectator sport in the U.S. in comparison to the other sports I pointed out. Because while I hate to say it, we are an offensive nation sportswise. We need the QB trying to find a pocket, Manny trying to hit his next HR, Agassi needing to ace Sampras... EVEN HOCKEY! I will take 24 hours of golf over 15 mins. of soccer. Oh my gosh, I can't discuss soccer anymore! Stop. Truce!
JVar: AP Photo: Frank Franklin II
Papi: AP Photo
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