Guess Who's Back in Town

So, it's me now who hasn't written in a while. Oopsies. I guess I got caught up in trying to catch up on my Christmas shopping. I mean, even up to the last minute.
Anyway, my darling Pats are in the playoffs. They have clinched their division and life is good for us Pats fans. (P.S. No need to hit Brady so hard. Let's hand it over to Bruschi: "So, Cassel comes in for a play, but to see [No.] 12 go back in there after one play, it fires us up as an entire team." -Boston Globe) Your Colts, not so great, but they're still in the playoffs. Oh boy. And Ben, well, he's getting his much needed rest. So yesterday, I had to throw in my 1994-1995 San Francisco 49ers tape for Christmas. I watched it and relived the good times of Steve Young, Jerry Rice, Deion Sanders, Merton Hanks, Derrick Deese, Harris Barton, Brent Jones, Jesse Sapolu, John Taylor, and the list goes on and on.
So Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Dear Criss. I will enjoy my week off and throw in my 2004 Red Sox dvd and finish watching what I started today. I'm up to the parade. Hey! Stop talking trash about Spring Training. We're playing each other in Ft. Myers, you know. I gotta get my Cowboy Up T-shirt ready for Orioles Spring Training - I am so very much there to see my Sox and MILLAR!!!!!!
P.P.S. Chicken Nuggets, WAH HA HA!!!
AP Photo: Chitose Suzuki (What a fantastic picture. It's like a painting.)
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