Monday, August 13, 2012
Monday, May 28, 2012
Monday, February 06, 2012
Super Bust
It was an interesting season, and now it's all over. There were great games: the Tebow games, the 49ers playoff wins and losses. And I learned a few things. I know which broadcasters are absolutely heartless, mean and nice, and which players are dirty. And who would have thought that Ditka is really nice with a heart of gold beneath that tough exterior? I'm a fan!
So now we move on to baseball. Varitek's not sure whether to retire or go to another team. Same story for Wakefield. I say retire in style. Don't go to be second to none anywhere else - not even with the Sox!
I miss football already, Dear Criss.
Photo by: Roxy!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Niners or Bust
Well, the Tebow run is done ... for this year. It was fun, it was stressful, it was exciting. Now, it's back to regular programming. It was painful watching the Broncos-Pats game. Hard to see him struggle and go down.
Thank goodness I got to see the happier Niners game. The ending could have gone either way, but it went the right way. I admit, I doubted the coach's call to go for a touchdown instead of field goal in the final seconds. But it worked. I'm channeling the Niners of the past, the days of yore. I'm rooting for the Niners all the way. Don't ask me about the Pats. Last Saturday just hurt too much. Like your best bud going up against your brother and squashing him. I need a break, in a similar but not exact manner as I need a break from the Sox. One is pain and the latter is disgust. It's time for the Niners to come back. They're due.
On the Sox front, I heard Varitek is invited to spring training. Doesn't guarantee anything. Jacoby has been re-signed. That's good.
Well, I'll watch the Niners game. What will be, will be. But if the Niners don't make it (if they do, hopefully it's not against the Pats), then I'm out.
Monday, January 09, 2012
Go, Tebow!
What an exciting game that was, Dear Criss. You need to stop working so much. That Denver-Pittsburgh nail-biter, with the interestingly biblical-like numbers such as Tim Tebow passing for 316 yards and every other possible 316 statistic (i.e. John 3:16), was pretty wild. Check it out if you haven't already heard about it. The kid beat the Steelers. Come on; give him some credit. Let's not talk about New England quite yet. Although, Denver fans might create T-shirts like Curt Schilling's in 2004: "Why Not Us?"
So I'll be very busy this Saturday, because you know I'll also be rooting for San Francisco to beat the Saints. Come on Niners!!!
Does anything else matter in sports right now besides the playoffs?
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
End of an Era
Now, the countdown for Pats-Broncos. It's going to be a ratings bonanza! I will make sure to be home in time for this one. It's gonna be a nail-biter. I hope Tebow & Co. are watching lots of film and practicing their hearts out. You're rooting for Tebow, right Dear Criss?!
Photo by Roxy!