Thursday, March 30, 2006

Getting Started

Watch out Barry! Here comes the steroid-use patrol knocking on your door. You better have a nice "clean" story to tell.

I hope you're feeling better, Dear Roxy! Your old lady story was hysterical. I can still picture you with your pharmacy of a purse. However, I don't know about the two old ladies waiting for autographs. I think you were confusing us for you and your sister! Sorry Doris...
OMG! Is baseball season next week? Oh, man, I can smell the green, and taste the peanuts and cracker jacks! Yummy...

I heard Schilling will be the opening day starter.

The Yankees better put on their uniforms and play to win. It's been too long since our last championship. I'm starting to forget how that feels, and that ain't good!

Oooh, did you hear about Randy Johnson and his 'love' child? I feel bad for the girl.

What a sad story about IRL's Paul Dana. He was sooo young. And I can't believe the other driver wasn't badly hurt. The way Dana hit that car, I thought the worst.

Give me some good news.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Please Pass Me a Tissue, Millar

Okay, Dear Criss, first of all, let's clear up this "conversion to Yankeeism" stuff. It's a cult. I would much rather give up baseball all together than be a Yankees fan. Forget it. And funny who's in that picture hugging: Mr. "I Don't Know What I Want" and Mr. J. Trader. Whatever.

Okay, so guess who WASN'T at Spring Training? You guessed it (okay, I already told you), Varitek. Hello? Thanks a lot, JVar. And I was sick at the game(literally with a cold). BUT Millar was there. I was like a grandma with my purse. I had an umbrella, a Cowboy Up T-shirt, an SI, a tangerine, binoculars, tissues, Tylenol, a supermarket, etc. It was intense. Millar is a character even more so when you get to watch him the whole game. He's always laughing and restless. Papi signed some autographs and every girl there was wearing a Varitek T-shirt. Listen, I was ready to battle it out at the fence if he was there. I had my Sharpie ready like T.O., but no Tek. And I saw us in 40 years. There were these two older women there and they knew evry move made by the Sox and the Pats' front office. They were funny! So that's us. At the fence waiting for autographs.

And Tavarez - As for that fight... I'll tell you, I didn't like him in St. Louis and I still don't. That was lousy of him, I don't care what happened beforehand. Pull it together. He was there last week and so was Willie Mo Bob Thornton.

Still mad at Vinatieri and not liking him.

As for your Posada, don't like him.

Okay, I swear, I'm working on the pictures.


AP Photo, James A. Finley,

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Showin' some love

It's been a tough off-season for you, Dear Roxy. Damon, Millar, Bronson and now Vinny! Wow, all you do is love these people and what do they do? Make you suffer.... Only one thing left to do - convert! Yes, to Indy and the Yankees! It'd be great. We'd no longer fight. What would that be like? I guess we'll never know.
Maybe you guys can get Vanderjagt. Blame the Pats, Rox. They never got into the bidding for him, the man that has gotten them three championships!!! Shame on them.

And so it begins... The Yankees beat the Red Sox! Yes, I know it's spring training, but it's a sign of things to come :)

Poor Jorge, he broke his nose while playing catch with backup catcher Stinnett... Sounds suspicious, don't you think?

I sure you hope you get better soon. You need all the strength you can get for this Friday!
Good luck, my friend.


Wednesday, March 22, 2006

All You Ever Do is Bring Me Down

I had this dream recently, Dear Criss, that Vinatieri was traded to another team and I saw him in the uniform and everything. Then the next day, I couldn't remember at work if it was true or not. Anyway, this was the result of the guy next to me speculating with his friend at the Ft. Myers game. Fast-forward to today. Here I am, at home (I called in sick today) with my tissues in tow and a hot cup of tea and a sore throat, watching SportsCenter, when I relived my dream - NIGHTMARE. I've never had my favorite football player traded in his prime. Baseball, yes, but I don't know how to deal with this in football. I know about my favorite player getting injured and eventually having to leave the game (Steve). I know the weird feeling of having one of your other favorites play for another team later in his career (Jerry Rice & Joe Montana - but really, Steve Young was always my #1). I know the feeling of one of your favorites selling out to go with another team (Karl Malone. NOT John Stockton!) This is new. Why'd he have to do it? Tommy took a pay cut! I heard about the new agent and all, but man, INDY?!! Slap me in the face while you're at it. Thanks for breaking my heart, Adam.

As for BroYo, I would've traded sweetheart Wells instead. Must have been the constant smile on his face that made them hold on to him. I will miss BroYo. It's sad, as much as I've been annoyed, it is sad.


Photo: Boston Globe

Say hello to your little friend

You mean to tell me I broke the news for you, Dear Roxy? Wow. I don't know how I feel about that. But I kind of feel bad for Arroyo after reading an article about how sad he was for been traded. He was traded although he was real good friends with Theo. They played at charity events together throughout the summer! No heart, Theo. No heart.

Thanks so much for your weird phone call last night. I have to say I felt special! Hope you feel better soon ;) You need to, you have to scream at Vtek and Millar on Friday.

Baseball season starts soon. And the countdown begins. I am sooo excited.

Breaking News: Your worse fears come true.... Vinatieri agrees in principle to deal with Colts!!! Log on to every other sports website to read about it.

Nothing else to say.


AP Photo: Charles Krupa

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


I had to find out from you, Dear Criss. I had to. That was hard to take. I have to say, my mom was calling to trade him last season. I have mixed feelings. I just saw him signing autographs for every last boy and girl. He taught Millar how to play the guitar. I had many angry moments, however. Well, what can you do? And there goes Johnny Trader's big mouth on this one, too. Willy Mo Pena?! Okay, here we go.

No, I didn't figure out that was Nickelback. All their songs sound the same. Think about it. I'll sing it to prove it. Hide the glass.


AP Photo, Charles Krupa;

Getting Older

Thank you, Dear Roxy, for the birthday wishes. I do have to say I don't feel a day over 25! That photo is pretty cool too. I already spoke to them this morning. Jeter was my wake up call ;)

And regarding my concert photo, you mean to tell me you can't tell who that cool band is? jk. It's Nickelback!!!

So you have another game to go to this Friday? I feel like we are the Floridian travelers, Rox. I have been to Orlando three times in less than two months! I'm feeling it too. I went to Mardi Gras this weekend at Universal. It was fun, but I don't think I can drive up north any time soon.

So, Vtek and Millar... Some familiar faces will make it all worth while. Please take pics this time around. I don't think I've seen any from the previous game.

A big congrats to the Japanese for the WBC championship win!!! These games were pretty exciting to watch. The best of the best playing against each other. Maybe the US can make a better appearance next time...

Ooooh, no more Arrrrrroyo!!! I heard he was traded. Sorry to hear that, NOT! I guess he's gonna have to take his skinny and cornrow self to Cincy.

And Al Leiter retiring! I guess he knows when to call it quits... Good for him.

Till next time


PS I just got your birthday card. Talk about great timing. Hilarious!!! Thanks, my friend!!

A Very Special Message from Jeter & Johnny Trader

Happy Birthday, Dear Criss!!!!
Photo: AP Photo/Kathy Willens;

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Welcome Back!

"It was just nice to be able to get back there with somebody that you know instead of a bunch of people that you don't know," he said. Mr. Jason Varitek in The Boston Globe today. I hear ya. I sorta relate with Spring Training. It'll be good to see a familiar face, my friend. Very good.

I love you, Millar, and will see my two all-time favorites on Fri. Now, I'm really getting excited. Woo hoo! Cowboy Up!

And that concludes my Varitek Journal entry, with special guest, Kevin Millar.

Keep on rocking at those random concerts. (Which one was that in the pic?)


AP Photo, Charles Krupa;

Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy St. Patty's Day

My concert rocked, Dear Roxy. It was awesome. I have to say this... you are right! There was a lot of "smoke" if you know what I mean. Good thing there's no drug testing in my office, or I would have failed it from all of the second-hand smoke! Anyway, as always, I had floor tickets. I can honestly tell you my legs are still hurting from being on my feet for over four hours.

Adios, USA. Could they have played any worse? No excuses needed. They played real bad, no offense and not a whole lot of anything else. Who am I rooting for now? I guess Cuba or the Dominican Republic. Gotta go with the latin teams.

I have to say I haven't been watching any of the NCAA games. I will probably watch the championship and that's about it. You can keep me posted.

Is Roger done with baseball? He needs to make up his mind so everyone can move on....

Don't party too hard....


Blog Hog Moment: Happy St. Patty's!

While I'm sorry the U.S. lost last night, I'M SEEING VARITEK AT SPRING TRAINING!!!!! WOO HOO!


(Yes, I know this is Millar.)

Photo: Boston Globe

Thursday, March 16, 2006

The Eagle Has Landed

Um, I don't know what the heck you're talking about, Dear Criss. That whole post was jibberish or Latin mixed with Greek dialects. I mean, maybe you inhaled too much "smoke" at those concerts b/c you're way out there. And listen, miss thing, watch those Triple-A comments! (Okay, I laughed - but at you, not my boys.)

Okay, if the U.S. loses tonight, they're out, right? I was just watching the U.S./Mexico game. Man, that's tight. 1-1 right now.

So how funny was the news about businesses losing money b/c of the NCAA tourney and workers goofing off? I love how you can watch the game online and there's a special "Boss" button that when you click it, turns the screen into an Excel spreadsheet. But, hello, don't give it away to the bosses! They're advertising it too much on t.v. Not like I'm watching it at work, I swear. No lie, but it's funny. I think this is a great part of Americana - NCAA. It gives me warm fuzzies inside.


Photo:; SI

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Once again...

... the US team is in a pickle, Dear Roxy. It would be so much better if they just won their games. They are playing so sloppy. I feel like I'm watching a Boston's Triple-A game.

Wow, so you actually saw some familiar faces at the game. I'm actually glad you did. I would've felt really bad for your sis if she had to hear you whine about the non-familiar faces. Too bad you didn't get to see Vtek. I know how much you would've loved to see him. And show us some pics, please!

Well, tonight I have another concert: Whoo hoo! Nickelback is playing at the Hard Rock. Chevelle & Trapt are opening for them. I know how much you loveeeee the music I do! hehe.... In a serious note, have you heard of James Blunt? If you haven't, what are you waiting for? The guy is amazing... You have to get his CD; it's wonderful!

Your license plates story reminds me of the games I used to play too... It's like "punch buggy no return", but with the license plates! Am I making sense? Probably not. Oh, well.


Monday, March 13, 2006

Ft. Myers or Bust!

Wow, I saw the picture of Varitek on the previous post and thought for a moment that it was you who put it up. Like that would ever happen. Well, you never know. I got really excited. Then I saw that picture of Jeter Bug. Bleh. That was my same response when I saw him and A-Fraud playing in the WBC. Yeah, I actually saw part of a game 'cause it was on a Sunday. Then after waiting for 'Tek, and there being no guest appearance, I changed.

So Spring Training was great! It took foooorever to get to Ft. Myers. I saw alligators along Alligator Ally. It was frightening. There were people on the road from everywhere. I felt like I was 10 playing "Name that License Plate." Quebec, TN, NJ, VT… When we got to the game, we found out there was a 2-hr. delay b/c there was oil on the road which backed-up the Phillies. Of course, I was seated on the Phillies’ side, so I was right by the buses and could care less. Got my first glimpse of Coco Crisp, got to see Trot Nixon, Youk, Wakey, the new guys and MANNY. Okay, even from far away, the new "Look," is frightening. And let’s just say that those battling it out for the back-up catcher job can all go home. It was terrible. No one can catch Wakey like Mirabelli.

MIRABELLI, I’m sorry I didn’t appreciate you as much as I should have. I’m sorry it was all about Varitek.

They played Kenny Chesney and the guys next to me were totally cracking on it, and I like that song! But the DJ got the timing of songs like "Sweet Caroline" and "Dirty Water" all wrong and played music that was too modern. Baseball = Classic Rock and nothing else, buster! THE BEST PART OF THE WHOLE AFTERNOON was seeing this guy’s T-shirt that said, "Jeter Drinks Wine Coolers." LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! I need that one.

So, Varitek offered A-Rod the salt and pepper? It’s all he could do to contain himself from rage, I guess.


I'll put up one of my pics soon. Computer issues, you know...

AP Photo, Charles Krupa;

Thursday, March 09, 2006

It's do or die

I looked up Man Eater, heard it for like 30 seconds and nothing, Dear Roxy. I give up!

Oh, man, how about the US team losing to Canada? Canada of all teams! I got home just in time for Arod's single with two outs, and then the loss. I guess Vtek's grand slam wasn't enough. Good for nothing!

And then it gets complicated. The US can be eliminated tonight, without even playing!
The U.S. advances to the World Baseball Classic second round with a win against South Africa on Friday IF:
• Canada beats Mexico on Thursday.
• Mexico beats Canada and scores at least three runs.
Team USA will not advance if Mexico wins 1-0, 2-0 or 2-1.

I heard the funniest story (or not) Tuesday. Supposedly Vtek and Arod were being friendly to each other at a luncheon... I think Vtek asked Arod if he wanted the salt-and-pepper!!! Hahaha.

I wish you a great time at the game Friday, regardless of who plays. And I really doubt Vtek will be there. I don't think he'll want to fly all of those miles just for one game. Sorry.

And what do you mean you haven't been watching any of the games? Oh, yeah, maybe it's because they're at 3 and 4pm! I mean, who the hell thought of this schedule?! As if people didn't work!


Photo: Reuters Mike Blake

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Hey, Mr. DJ

Aw, Dear Criss, that was really sad to hear about Kirby on the news. I couldn't believe it. It's been a sad news week. I saw the Dana Reeve news by chance when I was looking something up for work online. I saw her picture, and I was scared to know why it was up on the NYT Web site.

On a very much lighter and not so important note compared to what's going on, yes, Spring Training is FRIDAY!!! (ahem, not AAA) And I've got so much work at work that I can't even think about it right now. I just realized that Big Papi won't even be there! HELLO!!! Okay, so the WBC ends before my next game, so there may still be a chance of seeing JVar. VARITEK, YOU MUST GO TO MY GAME! I don't care what Joe Rose says on the radio about people not caring about Spring Training and wanting to see the WBC... I still haven't seen a WBC game. And what's the deal with our new backup/old Sox catcher Flaherty?! He's retiring?! I can't deal. He just got back to Boston. At least he didn't retire a Yankee. Nice move, John. Says a lot. ;)

Okay, but did you see how MY Varitek hit a grand slam today? I think that's his 2nd career GS. Nice work. Okay, so who's catching Wakey? Anyone?

No, Jen was not my fav. from Dawson's. Wow, from Dawson's to Oscar nom. And "You've lost that loving feeling..." is a remake, so that's still not even officially a Hall & Oates classic! I swear, you know them. Look up, "Man Eater."


AP Photo, Matt York;

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

So long, Kirby

I must admit I was shocked, just like everyone else, when I heard Kirby Puckett had passed away, Dear Roxy. I will forever remember this famous photo of him after hitting the homerun in game 6 in 1991.

And then, Dana Reeves too. Wow!

Ok, to better news. You will never believe what I found out this morning after listening to Coast FM. I actually know and love a Hall & Oates song!!!! I've loved this song forever and until today I didn't know it was them! I couldn't stop laughing...

♪ You've lost that lovin' feeling, oh that lovin' feeling....♪


Monday, March 06, 2006

I like it...

... when you talk bad about Manny, Dear Roxy. That's how I feel about your whole team. It almost makes me feel like we're on the same page.

Yesterday, after my long drive home from the Coldplay concert in Orlando (great concert byt the way. No photos, though), I got home and watch the real "Do You Believe in Miracles?" story on HBO. It was great! I even got goose bumps watching it. I must say, OC and Rizzo look a whole lot better on the movie. Rizzo was pretty ugly and OC was missing his front tooth!

Any sports related news worth mentioning?
I guess a congrats to Tiger for winning the Ford Championship at Doral. Look what goes on at our own backyard, Rox?
When does the WBC start? I can't wait for the real thing. When's your Triple-A exhibition game?

Did you watch the Oscar's last night? I sure did. I was hoping Michelle Williams would get the Oscar for best supporting actress. I know she's your favorite from your Dawson's Creek days... I cannot talk Oscar's and not mention George. He looked handsome as always. Favorite joke: Bjork not able to attend because Dick Chaney shot her when she was getting dressed. I'm still laughing over that one...

Good night, and good luck.


Saturday, March 04, 2006

Oh, I See Exactly What's Going On

Yeah, it's called the happy face of a traitor. You got it, Dear Criss.

Listen, someone tell Johnny Traitor to shut his trap. Re: Manny: "He thought for sure he was going to be gone," Damon said Tuesday. "Unfortunately for him, he's not. He's been there for five years. He just wants a change. He knows how good he is. It's just an unfortunate situation." 3.2.06, Tyler Kepner, New York Times

Yeah, wow. Poor Manny. It must be hard being loved by a whole city and playing with your best friend. But I promised I wouldn't talk about this. I promised I wouldn't let Manny toy with my emotions! I'm just going to remain straight-faced until he says something really bad, like, "I never liked Varitek. I just pretended I did." At which point, I will lose my composure.

But how much did I laugh when I read this in that same article: "He was playful with teammates, wrapping some in hugs and earning a new nickname, Ricky Williams, because his dreadlocks make him look like the Miami Dolphins' running back."

Stop worrying about Boston and your old "friends" and just mind your own business in New York, Johhny.


AP Photo, Jim Mone;

Friday, March 03, 2006


Ok, I forgot to write earlier and now I'm running late, Dear Roxy. And on top of it all, I am going to Orlando tomorrow. What I'm trying to say is , "I have no time to write!"
But I did have enough time to taunt you... He looks soooo happy :P

Write Monday?


AP Photo: Robert F. Bukaty

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

G is for Gangsta

Listen, Dear Criss, someone tell Manny to stop hanging with Ricky Williams. Even Enrique Wilson looks shocked here. What's the deal Manny? Actually, no, don't answer. I'm not interested.

Triple A?!!! Listen, why don't you save your triple A ideas for your crazy fellow NYorkers. Sheesh, I can't even have a decent dinner out without having some crazy Yankees fan at the table chime in. So, I was with Steve at Urban Outfitters and there was a T-shirt that said "G is for Gangsta." OMG, I thought of you and had to explain it [that random old post] to him! I didn't buy it - oh, and he thought I was weird. Whatever.

So you almost coulda-shoulda-woulda saw Peyton and Jeter? What a bore. I would have walked by them in my Sox hat and Roethlisberger T-shirt (which I still don't own). "Oh, did I spill my sticky soda mixed with popcorn on you?" Just kidding, I'm not a jerk. Listen, I think all these new guys will actually be interesting on the Sox. I'm actually curious. VARITEK, COME TO SPRING TRAINING!!!!! I have a new #33 shirt I have to wear!!!! And lay off of Millar. Always cracking on him.

ROCK ON JERRY for making it to the top two! I'm glad Drew won, b/c I thought they might give it to Blondie.


Wait, one more time:

AP Photos: Brita Meng Outzen, Jim Mone