Sunday, April 29, 2007

Hot, Hot, Hot

Geez, seems like a lot of tragedy lately in sports. Sad news about the St. Louis pitcher. It made great sense to cancel that game.

On a lighter note, like you wouldn’t drool to have Matsuzaka. It’s not like he’s given up 10 runs per game, he’s just warming up and could use some run support. So lay off, Dear Criss. But let’s hear it for 5-1 with the Yankees. Holy smokes, this is just really incredibly awesome! It’s like thinking you ate all your fries and then you find two more in the bag. Wow! Everyone gets a salary bonus for this!

Word is we could be seeing Jon Lester very soon. I’m excited and happy he’s doing better. Very cool. I do want to say that Mirabelli needs to shut his big mouth up about anything pertaining to the bloody sock - although he said he didn't. That blood was so real and what Curty went through – well, I don’t think many people could have done that! So everyone just cut it out!

And finally, the Dolphins are just plain stupid. That's all I'll say about the draft.

Until next time!


Photos: Cora - AP, Papi and manyy, Getty Inages

Thursday, April 26, 2007

A week to forget

So you guys swept us, but we still have 15 games left, Dear Roxy.

Our pitching sucks!!!! What ever happened to our aces, or middle relieve and our closer?

Mariano, I still have lots of love for you though.

We soooo need to get our pitching together. No team wins without that!

Carl Pavano on the DL again? Arrghhh!@#&*@!

At least Wang is coming back. He's so good!

Our offense is pretty darn good! Look at ARod!!!! He has tied a major league record for homeruns in the month of April! Not only that, but he's done it in the least amount of days - AMAZING!!! Maybe this is a sign of good things to come for him and the rest of the team.

Changing teams but not the subject, the Heat are down 0-2 to Chicago. WTF?!#$%
Somebody needs to tell them to start showing up to these games. Can't win without it!

Sorry I've been lost, Rox, but with school, finals and papers due, I didn't have much time for anything. I'm back though... when are we eating some Boston-like pizza?


PS: I didn't think your Japanese pitcher was all that!

Photo: AP, Chris O'Meara

Monday, April 23, 2007

So Happy Together

Wow, that was amazing, Dear Criss! HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY. Did you see that?! Count the exclamation marks in this!!! CRAZY!!!! Pure passion, energy, determination and skill. Ramirez - Homerun. JD Drew - Homerun. Lowell - Homerun. Varitek - Homerun. High hive to Varitek - I thought I was going to lose my mind with all the excitement. It was like Christmas. Welcome to the rivalry, Matsuzaka. It was like being at the Ben & Jerry's ice cream factory. Like having a cupcake on your desk when you come into work. Like waking up thinking you gotta go to work and realizing its Saturday. Sweep. It feels good. What a birthday for Francona.


Photo: Boston Globe, Jim Davis

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Hot, Hot, Hot

I'm writing this, Dear Criss, before the outcome of tonight's game. I am incredibly hoping for a sweep, but I'm focusing on one game at a time. I am so proud of my boys who really rallied to shut up you crazy fans. I think I must live in NY b/c talk radio was practically crying. Give me a break. And the NY security guard said on Friday, "Stick a fork in them." Oh, it's not over until it's over as 2004 proved. I LOVE OKAJIMA!!! Great work, and 'Tek is coming along nicely. So, come on guys! Make us all proud tonight! You can do it Matsu. And ESPN better give equal dugout time to the Sox, b/c it's been a little Yankee obsessive. Shut down purple lips! And Big Papi better cut it out with the stupid commercials wearing a Yankees hat. I want some Sox spirit 100% of the way. No friends in NY, please.


Photo by Elsa, Getty Images

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Dice-Que? What Happened?

I'll tell you what happened, Dear Criss. Matsuzaka did a pretty darn good job, but my little friends I like to call THE OFFENSE, took a night off against that 21-year-old Hernandez. And if the announcers mentioned that he was 21 one more time, I would really know that he was 21, because otherwise, I wasn't sure IF HE WAS 21!!!!

The Dice-K excitement was great, and man did he give it to Ichiro. I loved how they switched to the game being called in Japanese. That was great.

So I will not think of this loss. Or about Purple Lips-Rod (oh man, that picture you had of Lidle's family - sad, but nice to see a little bit of a happy moment for them). AND NO, I DON'T WANT HIM EVEN IF HE HITS 100 HOMERUNS THIS YEAR! Instead I will remember this week, which began (well, the weekend) with Millar being described as a "Yankee killer" on ESPN, Varitek coming out of a slump and hitting like a machine, a blow-out game, and Papelbon being outstanding last night. And how about VARITEK'S BIRTHDAY!!
The Captain is now 35. Save your comments on that.


AP Photo: Elise Amendola

Monday, April 09, 2007

Baseball with a side of Snow

It has been a very eventful week, Dear Roxy. And yes, it's had its ups and downs. I was very glad to see the Lidle family throw the first pitch of the season. Very emotional. Not to mention Murcer on the stands ;(
My Yankees (yes, mine) haven't gotten off to a great start but it's only been 5 days. And yes, this is where I brag about A-Rod and his grand slam. How about it? Wonderful, isn't it?

I was watching yesterday's game and I saw snow falling! WTF?!@#

Snow and baseball - not a perfect match. Did you see Jacobs Field in Cleveland? Insane.

And Hideki Matsui is on the DL!!!! Arrgghhh.

Oh... quick story: Since I'm going to Jersey in June for my cousin's wedding, I decided to check if the Yankees were playing at YS that weekend. Well, they are! And guess who? The Mets! I went to BUY tickets but they're SOLD OUT! Dammit!!!

In other news, Dwayne Wade is back in uniform and I couldn't be happier. But while he's back, James Posey was arreseted on a DUI charge. Oh, man!!!!! The Heat can't seem to get it right but at least they're officially in the playoffs.


Photos: Lidle - AP/Kathy Willens. Snow - AP/Tony Dejak

Sunday, April 08, 2007


Well, somewhat of a rocky start for the team, but how about a terrific start from Mr. Matsuzaka himself?! Not bad, Dear Criss. And for that stinkin' KC Royal who was like, "Nothin' I haven't seen before" - get a life and stop being a sore LOSER! The kid is good. Admit it. Speaking of kid, I am officially older than Dice-K, and it makes me feel very, very old. It also makes me wonder what I'm doing with my life. Granted, I couldn't play in the majors b/c unfortunately Title IX doesn't reach that far, but it still makes me wonder.

So I'm not completely worried yet, b/c we tend to lose the first game and make everyone worry for the first few weeks. And I don't want to hear it about A(rm Slapping)-Rod and his escapades around the bases. NY will love him for a week, and it's back to old times.

I am incredibly excited b/c finally, I get to see a game on t.v. tonight! Bust out the red polo, get everything done early and enjoy the Sox.


AP photo