Dear Criss: I know we're not supposed to be talking to each other, but technically, we're not. Three cheers for The Captain who kicked into gear and showed once again, that he rocks! Four stars, Mr. Varitek. Can I just say how happy I feel right now?! Better. And really, Big Papi=MVP, CLEARLY. I won't make fun of A-Fraud. Promise. I saw the highlights of last night's game against Toronto this morning, and I was speechless. It just gave me goosebumps. I mean, nothing quite wakes you up in the morning like Big Papi winning the game.
Two more games to make the stomach nervous. Buckle up, kids! Here we go! I wonder if Stephen King is working on Faithful 2 with Stu O'Nan. If this October has a happy ending, it would make a great sequal. Go Sox!
Photo: YahooSports/Reuters, Mike Segar