Breaking News: 80
Oh my - Chad Ochocinco is a Patriot. I'm not sure what to feel other than shock and some degree of curiosity.
Oh my - Chad Ochocinco is a Patriot. I'm not sure what to feel other than shock and some degree of curiosity.
So, enough talk about Jeter, Dear Criss. What about Wakefield who got his 2,000th strikeout? Poor batter. What will we do when Wakey retires? He's such a part of Boston and has been there for a lifetime. He did very well during that game until the grand slam. He looked like he was sad to get pulled out of a milestone game in that manner. But he should be proud of himself - the strikeouts, not the GS!
So, I'm back from NY, Dear Criss. What a nightmare! Everything is the Yankees. They're everywhere. (Otherwise, I had a blast.) Anyway, I think I saw Manny Ramirez in Brooklyn, texting or something at a corner. I know this sounds funny, but it looked like him, long hair, do-rag and all. I was in a cab and turned in my seat, but I swear, it had to have been him. Crazy! I dared not wear anything Boston up there, for fear of my life! But it was really hard. Almost like penance.
I start off this blog by sending my condolences to Shannon Stone’s son and family for his untimely death after a 20 foot fall at Arlington Park during last night’s game. It breaks my heart to hear stuff like this. You never go to a ballpark with your son thinking this will be your last outing with him. It just brings me to tears. May he rest in peace, and may his son and family find solace in each other.