Bad bad bad
I feel as if I haven't written in ages, Dear Roxy. And I haven't! Sorry about that but it won't happen again. I have so much to say so let me get started.
I am sad to say I missed Peyton's SNL skit (this weekend not when I got your text... that was Drew Barrymore)! I did, however, see a few of the skits on YouTube and must admit he was a lot better than Jeter. Sorry, Jeet... but he was. The skit with the kids was hysterical.
Baseball season is here!!!! I read Carl Pavano is our opening day starter. I must admit am a bit nervous about this one but I’m keeping my fingers crossed. I also read his girlfriend broke up with him so I’m hoping this doesn’t affect his game. It better not... this guy is not my favorite Yankee. All he's done is get injured since the Yankees traded for him. He needs to take care of himself or else!
Nomar and Mia are now parents. I heard it yesterday. Congrats!
Did you hear about Ugeth Urbina? He used to pitch for the Marlins and now he’s going to prison… 14 years!!! Scary.
And how about that female ump? Good for her! Kinda cool!
Hahaha... I'm telling you, Roxy... give up on Vtek! All you've done for the past two years is show up to his games (dragged me on one) and what has he done in return? NOT SHOW UP! So not fair!