Saturday, May 28, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
Who's Number One?

On to more exciting news, Dear Criss. My boys are on a roll. 'Tek hit a two-run homer this week! And Jacoby hit a three-run homer today. Not bad. This is great, since I was a little disappointed about tonight's NBA results. Guess I'm rooting for Dallas now.
Watch out, we're catching up to you in the stands! Looks like we're even.
AP photo
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Interleague Play

So, while I have had some hard feelings toward the Bulls since they crushed the dreams of Stockton and Malone so many years ago, I will hope that they beat the Heat. I'm not rooting for them to win the title, but I'm certainly not rooting for the Heat.
Photo: Barry Chin, The Boston Globe
Monday, May 09, 2011
Super Blog Hog: Stinkin' Celtics

So I finish the night watching an extra innings Sox game, dreading the outcome, because you know what happens with Boston in extra innings. Let's get a win from one Boston team tonight, please.
Jim Davis, The Boston Globe