Two crazy sports gals argue their differences in the ultimate debate: Red Sox or Yankees. Plus, they sprinkle in a few other favorite things.
Stay tuned.
Okay, so The Boston Globe asked, "What's wrong with Papelbon?" Do they really have to ask that? Forget it! We need a more reliable closer. If he goes in with the game tied in the ninth, the game is over. If we're up by two in the ninth - or up by five - the game is over. If we're going to extra innings, you guessed it, the game is over. He used to be Old Trusty. Things have changed.
And no more interleague play! All my boys are getting injured! Not Pedroia - augh! My stomach dropped. Martinez has thumb issues. Buchy has a hyperextended something or other. And now, just when we inched back to a decent spot - two behind NY - we gotta play the stinkin' Rays. Barf!
Um, what's going on with people beating up their teammates in baseball lately?! The Rays, the Cubs. Oh my! Fools.
But right now, I'm all about the U.S. of A! They won their game against last minute... and I do mean last minute.
Those guys never gave up, even after ANOTHER controversial call in which the US were disallowed another goal!
Landon Donovan stepped up in the first minute of stoppage time to score an undeniable goal that allowed the US to continue on to the next round. Yes, they live to see another game!
This game was undeniably the biggest game of their lives and I couldn't be happier for these guys. They didn't let the draw against Slovania deter them from the bigger picture and fought til the very end for that goal.
Next up, Group D's second place finisher on Saturday.
Half a game behind ya, Dear Criss! It's back to Colorado for us, tonight. Can it be possible that this is the first time we've played against them since the World Series?! Wow. I hope we can win. Otherwise that would be embarrassing.
I'm not gonna think about the Celtics anymore. It's history, and they're fools for losing.
So, whatever you say about the U.S. team getting cheated out of a win. I'll trust you and root U.S.A. anytime. (I just may not watch.) When is this stuff over?
And a mixed reaction to Manny's visit this weekend (oh, boy - Clemens was there, too). I think they're showing the game tonight. I look forward to it. I absolutely realize he was an important part of 2004 and 2007, but I'm not about to buy him flowers or cover his dinner bill tonight. But how about Pedroia hitting his game-winning single? It so happened to be the first walk-off hit of his career. Nice job!
The US team was denied a goal that would've given them the three points they truly deserved, especially after fighting back from a 2-0 deficit. Instead, they have to be content with a draw and the one point that comes with it, Dear Roxy. The referee really blew this one.
But let's look forward to the 23rd. US really needs to win that game if they want to advance to the next round. There's nothing they can do about this game but fight even harder on the next one.
And Spain lost! Rox, I know you don't understand the magnitude of that loss but believe me when I tell you... it's big!
I can't stand the Lakers so I won't even bother congratulating them, hehe.
Come on Yankees, what's happening? The Mets are next.
Blog Hog: Please Tell Me That We Won - I Can't Look
I am nervous as can be, Dear Criss. The game is going on right now, and I can barely look. You'll have to let me know what happens. And why does it have to be on so late? This gal's not 16 any more. I can't pull off the late night and go to work! I'm crossing my fingers big time for the Celtics.
Um, so Manny is coming back for a visit. People are asking what the response will be like. Boo? Cheer? How about just pure silence? That's my vote.
One more - just one more game. Once again, though, we're talking Boston. So I'm hoping that we don't drag this out, Dear Criss. I'm sorry, did you say you're rooting for Boston? Next step, you become a Red Sox fan! There's always time. Rondo was amazing with his back-handed shot, and I love Shrek and Donkey. Oh my gosh, what a funny press conference! You just never know who's gonna step up. Nate Robinson, Big Baby, Rondo ... Can't wait to see who's the man for game 6 (or 7).
And this is so old, but I'm thrilled that Millar is doing broadcast for NESN, Fox and MLB. He's as crazy as ever.
Only four behind your stinkin' Yankees!
P.S. I'd rather watch curling than five minutes of the World Cup.
One in four people in the world will be watching the World Cup! 1 in 4. You know how amazing that is? You and your other 2 friends can watch boring golf while the rest of us indulge ourselves in the best sport in the world, Dear Roxy.
I must admit I watched both soccer matches on Friday at work. I sure hope the boss doesn't read this blog. And I totally watched the one from this morning. Here's to hoping I can watch some of the Italy-Paraguay game later this afternoon.
In the meantime, the Yankees have been kicking some butt lately. They are now tied for first in the AL East! Wooo-hooo.
And the Celtics have now taken the lead. Good job, boys.
Anyway, back to soccer. I LOVE THIS GAME! Read this... it's a story on why the World Cup is such a big deal.
A full month of soccer is one of my worst nightmares, Dear Criss. I know I complain about non-stop college football in Dec./Jan., but I'll go through that anytime instead. By the way, what is all that NCAA nonsense with UCLA? Next story, please.
So what will the Celtics do tonight? If they don't win game 4 and 5 in Boston, the series is over. Maybe I'm tired and overworked, but I'm a little frustrated and losing interest. These fools better shape up. I don't even know what's going on with Sox - except that Jacoby has more rib problems.
Who cares about baseball and tennis right now, Dear Roxy? It's FIFA World Cup time! I am soooooo excited, I can't even begin to tell you!
Four years later, it's here :) One whole month of amazing international soccer matches! Yay!!!
Tell me you're watching it, Rox. hehe
Congratulations to the Chicago Blackhawks for winning the Stanley Cup. Although I didn't watch any of the games, it's always worth mentioning a team win the big one. Good job, guys! Did you watch the commentator who broke down when they won it? Touching.
Yankees are playing good and 'futbol' is here. Life's good.
I know, Dear Criss. The outcome of that non-perfect perfect game was heartbreaking. I just can't hear anything else about it because it makes me sick. But we are all human, and it took a big man to admit he made the wrong call. I really feel for everyone in this situation. Part of me agrees that it seems so easy, with the clear evidence, to overturn the ruling and give that fine young man (oh my gosh, I just sounded like I'm sitting on a rocking chair in 1950) his perfect game. But at the same time, I could see that it would open a can of worms. So I say, they better fix things up in NY (the NFL can do it). I think they should extend allowing replay to HISTORIC GAMES. Maybe it could be retroactive to the beginning of this season?! I don't know. Let's form a committee to analyze this.
On to happier news. Nadal beats the man who caused him misery last year and takes the French Open title. I get a kick out of watching him. We need to see him play live! (Did we see Soderling this year?) That's our next tennis goal.
First mistake: Jim Joyce's wrong call causes the Detroit Tiger's Andres Galarraga his perfect game.
Second and biggest mistake: Commissioner Bud Selig not overturning the call.
Here's my take, Dear Roxy. I was outraged when first base umpire Jim Joyce called Cleveland's Jason Donald save, especially after seeing the replay over and over again showing he was clearly out. Not only did this call cause this kid a perfect game, but a no-hitter and a broken heart.
Now, nobody feels worse than Joyce, as he has stated. Even today, with tears streaming down his face, you could clearly see how bad he felt about the call. I feel horrible for him. And for him to personally apologize to Galarraga right after the game and acknowledge his mistake takes a lot, and he did just that. That is truly a class act.
And Galarraga. What can I say about him? Another class act. In everyone's book, he pitched a perfect game on June 2nd, the third one in less than three weeks. My outmost respect to him for not bad-mouthing the ump for a perfectly honest mistake, one that anyone could've made and never hope to see again.
But here is where my rage lies - in Commissioner Selig. This "man" who has done mediocre things for baseball, in my opinion, had a chance to do something great. A chance to overturn a call and make things right again. But he didn't. He blew a perfect chance to be a leader, and denied Galarraga for the second time in two days his perfect game. Shame on you, Selig, shame on you.
Tomorrow night is The Night. I predict that Boston will lose game one in LA. I'm feeling a little barfy about this series. I don't want to be embarrassed.
Listen, Dear Criss, you better save your ticket stub to that perfect game. People are buying tickets to a game that already happened. Genius. We need to come up with something like that.
I'm so tired, I need to be a blogger party pooper. I'll write again another time. But for now, I'm happy because the Sox won two in a row against Oakland (come on), and have done fairly well in the last 10 games or so. And Papi and 'Tek are hitting home runs.
I got to experience one of the ultimate accomplishments in baseball – a perfect game! And what a game it was, Dear Roxy.
Roy Halladay pitched a perfect game against our home team, the Florida Marlins, Saturday night.
I was of course rooting for the Marlins, but by the time the game hit the 7th inning, we all knew we could become part of something big and all rooted for the same guy… except for a few diehards. Check out the last out below.
The goose bumps, the elation, the whole thing was surreal. Halladay even got fireworks at the end of the game. Partly because it was Super Saturday and there was a concert following the game, but you get it. Congrats, Roy!
In other baseball news, Derek Jeter’s 15th anniversary in the Big Leagues came and went this weekend. Congrats, D, and please get better!
FIU’s Garrett Wittels extended his hitting streak to 54 games! How cool is that?! Congratulations to a fellow Golden Panther.
One more congratulations. This time is to the Yankees' Nick Swisher and actress Joanna Garcia for their engagement. These Yankees love actresses.
Blah on the NBA Finals, although I’ll be “rooting” for the Celtics. And the only reason I know the Flyers are on the NHL finals is because my Phillies neighbor at the ballgame was talking to me about it.