Hot, Hot, Hot

On a lighter note, like you wouldn’t drool to have Matsuzaka. It’s not like he’s given up 10 runs per game, he’s just warming up and could use some run support. So lay off, Dear Criss. But let’s hear it for 5-1 with the Yankees. Holy smokes, this is just really incredibly awesome! It’s like thinking you ate all your fries and then you find two more in the bag. Wow! Everyone gets a salary bonus for this!
Word is we could be seeing Jon Lester very soon. I’m excited and happy he’s doing better. Very cool. I do want to say that Mirabelli needs to shut his big mouth up about anything pertaining to the bloody sock - although he said he didn't. That blood was so real and what Curty went through – well, I don’t think many people could have done that! So everyone just cut it out!
And finally, the Dolphins are just plain stupid. That's all I'll say about the draft.
Until next time!
Photos: Cora - AP, Papi and manyy, Getty Inages