The whole Orange Bowl experience was an awesome one,
Dear Roxy. Not only the game itself, but the pregame festivities which included the roaming jets and national anthem. Oh, and let's not forget my suite seats (food included) and 100 level seats. Yes, I did both.
I found myself rooting for the Hoakies, too. I mean, how can I root for a tree? A tree, Roxy! That has to be the worst unofficial team mascot... ever!
Anyway, in NFL football news, the Postseason is here! With that being said, my favorite team is out! I'm so sad and confused. The Colts out! I feel the same way about the Saints. These two teams were my favorite ones coming in and now they're gone.
I am rooting for the J-E-T-S next week against Brady and the Patriots. I have to. No way I'm not. Oh, and I'm rooting for the Ravens against the Steelers. Ha!
The Dolphins decided to keep Tony Sparano by offering him a two-year extension. I'm a little surprised, especially after the whole Stanford coach mess, but I'm glad for Tony. Believe it or not, I think he's a good fit. Let's see if I'm wrong about this one. Wouldn't be the first time, hehe.
In other sports, the Heat keep playing smart basketball. I think they've won 2o out of their last 21 games. Keep it up!