I did it,
Dear Roxy! I ran my first Corporate Run! It wasn't exactly a 5k; it was a little bit less than 3.1 miles, but I ran it all. And it was a runner's high as you said. So exciting to know that I finally did it. Had you asked me 8 weeks ago if I'd be running a 5k I'd be laughing in your face. Well, joke is on me because I did. And I'm not done though. I'll be running an official 5k on May 24th! Join me!
I had heard horror stories about how crowded it gets, and how you can't run because there are too many people, and this and that, so I was a little worried. And yes, it was crowded but I was able to run without coming to a complete stop. You obviously can't get into a rhythm since other runners get in your way, but I think I did good for my first time.
My official time was 37:01. But from the time I crossed the start line to the time I crossed the finish line was 29:30. I brought my own stop watch.
And back to reality. Yes, your team won the battle, but not the war. I think we meet up about 2,345 more times before the end of the season. And, heck, remember we said no tight games, no blow outs... well, we had it all this series!
A little about the Marlins. I mentioned last time they had to get into another streak since snapping their 7-game win streak. Well, they went into a LOSING streak after that. Geez, win streak people. Win streak.
In basketball, the Heat are on the verge of elimination! I hope they pull it off tonight. A lot of players have to step up. Wade can't do it all, especially injured. Black is back tonight! Keeping my fingers crossed for a Miami win.
And another series that I'm following is the Bulls-Celtics series, Rox. I know you're rooting for Boston but Chicago is giving them a run for their money. Three of 5 overtime games in the series! Crazy! Go Bulls!
And what's with the new A-Rod allegation? Geez. Stop it already!
Photos: Marsha Halper, Miami Herald