There’s a 99.99999% chance the Yankees will take the AL East and make it into the playoffs, but that doesn’t mean I’m not a little frightened,
Dear Roxy. They haven’t been playing great ball lately, and they’re playing on the West Coast, which always causes problems, AND they’ll be playing your stinky Red Sox this weekend. And with only a 5-game lead in the East, is it possible that we could just get in the playoffs with the wild card? I hope not!
This cannot be happening. I think I’ve been saying that a bit too much lately.
I think it’s time to change the subject. Tomorrow is the first day of fall and I can feel the seasons changing in sunny south Florida. NOT! Can it be any hotter?
But the season changing means only one thing – FOOTBALL!!!
The Dolphins lost their first game but I think they’re more than ready to play the mighty Colts, my good ole’ Colts. And guess who’s going to the game tonight? You guess it – me! My friend got tickets and invited me and I couldn’t be happier. Although I’m a Peyton and Colts fan, I am a Floridian who really likes the Dolphins so I’ll be rooting for them tonight. To tell you the truth, I think they need it more than the Colts.
Ask me how happy I am that the Jets beat your boy Brady and that the Giants won (last minute) against that Romo kid =) hehe.
Speaking of football, I think I drowned myself in the game this weekend. I watch so much of it, including college, you think I’d be tired of it, but I’m not. I guess I missed it that much.
College football is not something I look forward to watching, but I did watch the Nebraska-Virginia Tech game, and all I can say is that the Canes have their work cut out for them this weekend. However, the Canes totally dominated Georgia. The U is back!
-CrissPS: To tell you the truth, that whole Posada incident is just dumb. He should've know better. But hey, he got to relax for three days. I think that's a good thing come the playoffs!