Some Yankees Fans are Nice (Really)

As for knocking down Yankee Stadium - it's such a stupid Yankees thing to do. Even I know that's the wrong thing to do. It's you and me for opening weekend Sunday night! BASEBALL'S BACK! And you know what, Yankees fans aren't so bad after all because ...
Last week, I was stuck in big-time traffic and took a side road, which got backed up, too. The turning lane wasn't moving after the light changed from red to green to red to green. Then, I crossed the solid white line to get out of the turn lane and got pulled over by THE COPS! AHHHH!!!! I was so nervous; that's never happened to me before. I'm known as the grandma driver! So after he checks my license, he goes to the back of my car as I look for my paperwork, comes back and says, "And you're a Boston fan." OH NO! "Let me guess," I responded, "You're a Yankees fan." He nodded in delight. I imagined the worst! I panicked! HELP! But I survived, and he let me go. He was very nice, and I'm so grateful that he gave me (a.k.a. grandma) a second chance. Thank you to the nice Yankees officer from a town to remain unnamed.
That's enough Yankees love for one night. Boston is still the best!
P.S. They were really mean to Ochocinco on "Dancing with the Stars" tonight.