Friday, December 29, 2006
Thursday, December 28, 2006
The Year's Almost Over...
... Any encouring words for the new year, Dear Roxy?
I have none other than following a great win, the Colts have a bad loss. They better get in shape just in time for the playoffs.
And thanks to Kim for reminding us about the all important singlehood of Tom Brady. Roxy and I spoke briefly about this but forgot to include it in our blog. Like Roxy and I said, don't make me waste three years of my life if you're not gonna propose! lol
How about Dontrelle Willis and the DUI arrest? Advice to Dontrelle I hope he takes: If you're going to get out of your Bentley to pee, please do so in a not so public area like Mansion.
And a little bit of sad news coming from the Yankees front office. Former Yankee Bob Murcer will undergo surgery to remove a brain tumor. Our prayers are with you.
And the Diamondbacks are interested in Randy Johnson again! Don't know what to say about this...
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Guess Who's Back in Town

So, it's me now who hasn't written in a while. Oopsies. I guess I got caught up in trying to catch up on my Christmas shopping. I mean, even up to the last minute.
Anyway, my darling Pats are in the playoffs. They have clinched their division and life is good for us Pats fans. (P.S. No need to hit Brady so hard. Let's hand it over to Bruschi: "So, Cassel comes in for a play, but to see [No.] 12 go back in there after one play, it fires us up as an entire team." -Boston Globe) Your Colts, not so great, but they're still in the playoffs. Oh boy. And Ben, well, he's getting his much needed rest. So yesterday, I had to throw in my 1994-1995 San Francisco 49ers tape for Christmas. I watched it and relived the good times of Steve Young, Jerry Rice, Deion Sanders, Merton Hanks, Derrick Deese, Harris Barton, Brent Jones, Jesse Sapolu, John Taylor, and the list goes on and on.
So Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Dear Criss. I will enjoy my week off and throw in my 2004 Red Sox dvd and finish watching what I started today. I'm up to the parade. Hey! Stop talking trash about Spring Training. We're playing each other in Ft. Myers, you know. I gotta get my Cowboy Up T-shirt ready for Orioles Spring Training - I am so very much there to see my Sox and MILLAR!!!!!!
P.P.S. Chicken Nuggets, WAH HA HA!!!
AP Photo: Chitose Suzuki (What a fantastic picture. It's like a painting.)
Sunday, December 17, 2006
I think I'm back...
... if not, forgive me, Dear Roxy. It's been a hell of a two weeks but I'm glad I'm back. Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers.
So sports, huh? Forgive me once again because I haven't really paid any attention to any games. All I know is that Indy has lost the last two games and things aren't looking very promising. Hopefully Peyton and the gang will muster a win tomorrow night.
I did see, however, the Knicks-Nuggets brawl. Now we all know that was a hard foul by the Knick player, but the Chicken Nuggets exaggerated. And then Carmelo Anthony sucker-punches a Knick player and runs away like a little b*tch! What a loser.
I know who you can see in Spring Training... the water boy. I hear he's all grown up ;p
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Matsuzaka Mania!!

Okay, I totally copied and pasted that, because after having to learn how to spell Roethlisberger, I now have to learn how to spell this one without looking, Dear Criss. Say it five times fast! I gotta learn how to say his first name, though.

Love it.
P.S. Okay, I won't even go into Audiogate with the Dolphins supposedly buying secret tapes of Brady's audibles. But we must discuss sometime.
AFP/Getty Images/Elsa
AP Photo/Steven Senne
AP Photo/Steven Senne
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Fragments of Thought

Like J.D. Drew. I wasn’t sure if I could believe the security guard at work, and since I’ve been spending extra time there, I am not aware of any type of news – not even the weather. So, it’s true, but what’s also true is one of my least favorite players, Mr. Once-Upon-A-Time Devil Ray Lugo, is now a part of my Sox. NOOOOOOO!!! Oh, yes, excuse me, the Devil Rays are moving away from the "Devil," so the Rays. I’m not cheering for that Devil Ray. Not after years of cheering against him. I don’t think I can soften up for some of that. Not for anyone who plays at a place called Tropicana Field. I will just cheer for the team when he’s up. I will focus on Drew. Drew better produce. He better be so incredible, I’m gonna want his jersey (I'm not buying it even if he is good; I got other player T-shirts to buy first). He better make the three-hour drive to Ft. Myers worth every minute.
My Kaplar has retired and will manage Single-A Greenville. And Lester is doing well. So that’s what’s up with the Red Sox, friend. What’s up with the Yankees – oh, yeah, I don’t care!!! HAHAHAHAHA! (cackle, cackle) You can't say anything! It's great. What will I do without Gabe? Seriously, who’s gonna be at Spring Training?!!! I can’t deal. I went to two games last year and Varitek doesn’t show up. Someone tell him he better be there. With ice cream and a lemonade for me. This concludes my Blog of Fragments.
Boston Globe Staff Photo: Stan Grossfeld
Sunday, December 10, 2006
"Miami's Got the Dolphins, the Greatest Football Team..."

Well, me Pats lost to the DOLPHINS. No lie. Yes, every year, it's like we're playing the Colts in Miami or something. Maybe Tom dated someone in Miami once and every time he comes here, the memories rush back to him, and he wants to cry or something. I'm looking for anything, 'cause it's ridiculous. What a frustrating game. I'm glad I didn't go (although I moped all week). Ben did win on Thurs., though. And I am so out of it, I didn't realize it was a Thurs. game.
Anyway, speaking of ot of it, I got my Spring Training tickets for Ft. Myers, but what a dork - I didn't realize they went on sale last Sat. until the afternoon when there were practically no tickets left. I bought the last lawn area seat - as in singular. My brother bought the standing room ticket. We'll figure it out there. So he tells me.
Is it me, or does Bon Jovi look like a woman here? No offense, really. It's funny.
Photo: New Hampshire Union Leader
Monday, December 04, 2006
Throw the Ball to Mike

I got my MLB holiday catalog. Couldn’t they have just excluded every other team except Boston? Where’s my Yawkey Way Store catalog?

Hope things are better when you get back, Dear Criss. Don't worry, I'll take good care of the site.
AP Photos: Winslow Townson, Elise Amendola