Um, wow. Did you see the highlights from the Sox-Rays game,
Dear Criss? I mean holy smokes, there was some bad blood tonight. I know Coco shouldn't have slid into the dude like that yesterday. I'd expect it from the Yankees. But this fight got ugly, especially when the Rays' dugout pounced out onto Coco, 0-60, in half a second. I mean, like they had earpieces and someone said, "And ... GO!"
Coco seems like he's got something on his mind lately, and maybe it's just the uncertainty of never knowing what will happen 'cause he's up against Jacoby (who left the game barely moving his right hand after diving for a catch). It's a hard place to be in - I don't know what to say. Oh, Coco, please find some peace. And Tampa Bay needs to chill and stop trying to create an unnecessary rivaly. It's so pukey listening to their commentators.
Enough. Let's talk about Celtics-Lakers. This is very exciting - not as exciting as the networks are trying to hype it to be, but fun, nonetheless. Call me a dork, but I swear I didn't realize Sam Cassell, whom I abhorred during his time in Houston, was on the Celtics. Guess I can't anymore. But again, I haven't really been following what's going on in the NBA. Come on, tell who you're rooting for this time. Hee, hee, hee.
Oh my gosh, Pierce is down. And he's back to a standing ovation. Despite the fact that they carried him out to the locker room, he just came back out. Whoa. That's commitment. Tonight's games are too stressful.
AP photo, Michael Dwyer