Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Let's Play

Give me a break. You're gonna have some resentment for Torre when you know he's not lying, and you know the reputation the Yankees have? Please. And don't go whining about Pettitte. Do you know the latest drama with Varitek?! Sources are saying he may take a year off or retire!!! This is way too dramatic. Tomorrow's the day. Gasp.
I will be rooting for Ben at home. Steve is chilling and can't make it because I'm too lazy to have him make it. It should be fun. Hopefully not too boring and just pleasantly fun.
I'm pooped and headed for bed. I have no more fight left in me today. Cross your fingers for Sunday! (Or not.)
AP Photo

And yes, what’s with all of this Torre-Arod-Cashman nonsense? I bet Jeter won’t say a thing about this, Dear Roxy.
All I know is that it needs to be put behind us. It’s a new year, new stadium, new players, and with that, new playoff hopes.
I don't know what's with Torre and his book, but I dare not talk about about him because I still have a soft spot for him.

Anyway, the Super Bowl is among us and I just wagered $500. Keeping my fingers crossed. Jk!

Anyway, the Super Bowl is among us and I just wagered $500. Keeping my fingers crossed. Jk!
I’m not really very excited about this year’s SB but I’m sure that’ll change come Sunday.
Are you planning on watching it a home with your Steve Yong cut-out?
Photo: Reuters and AP
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
A Good Woman

So you're cutting off Cris Carter in garages, Dear Criss? Nice. My brother was at that game, how funny! I heard the Heat fans all left early, and it wasn't even really full. This town's absurd. You have great stories. That was pretty cool. And good for Zo to call it quits now. He needs to take care of himself, and he does a lot for the community.
How can you not say who you're rooting for?! Actually, to be safe, don't say it. You're right. I can't wait, but I can. I need more interviews, more coverage. I imagine this is going to be media week.
Did you see that Kay Yow, the NC State women's coach, died? I remember during one of the Espy awards, she was presented with the first Jimmy V. Award by Pat Summitt. They showed a great video about her. Coached for 38 years, and fought cancer three times for several years, but this time didn't make it. The best to her family. She was a good lady.
Now for baseball news. Well, Varitek has been made a formal offer, and he better take it! I think he learned a lot from this. It's been a tough time for him personally and professionally. He needs to stay with the Sox, and the Sox need him. I expect a press conference either tomorrow or Tuesday (better be tomorrow). And 'Tek needs a new agent. By the way, why was Papelbon only given a one-year contract?
Nomar was at a Celtics game - in Boston? Is there something we should know? He's not sure if he wants to retire. Perhaps a short-term contract with the Red Sox to end his career in Boston? Would be nice.
So A-Fraud was a prima donna, says Torre? Well a tell-all book by Torre - that's way too long - shall keep the sports news outlets busy for a long time. Tomorrow's NY Post will be interesting. But I think I know all I need to know about the dirty Yankees. Booo!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Winter in Miami

Yes, every single one, including the Ravens and Eagles.
With that said, I’ll be keeping the team I want to win in the upcoming Super Bowl to myself. I don't want to jinx it or anything... with all the "reversed" powers I seem to be having lately.
I do have an idea, but that might change once I start watching the game. But I know who you’re rooting for, Dear Roxy. And no more pics, please!
With that said, congratulations to both the Cardinals and Steelers for their Conference Championship win!
Both games were pretty exciting, but that run by the Eagles was pretty amazing. Too bad they couldn’t hold on to it, especially for McNabb.
But it was nice to see Kurt Warner on top again.
And glad to hear Willis McGahee is out of the hospital and will make a full recovery from his collision at Sunday night’s game. Pretty scary to see these types of injuries occur… it never gets easier.
In basketball, I went to see the Celtics-Heat game at the AAA Wednesday night. It was packed – with Bostonians! And I thought South Florida was filled with New Yorkers. They must be down here for the warm weather, although last night was a chilly exception.
Speaking of the Heat, Miami’s own Alonzo Mourning has announced his retirement. He’ll be missed but I think he made a good call. Good luck, Zo!
I saw Tim Hardaway and Cris Carter at the game, too! And Carter actually let my friend and me cut in front of him in the garage at the end of the game. How nice.
And glad to hear Willis McGahee is out of the hospital and will make a full recovery from his collision at Sunday night’s game. Pretty scary to see these types of injuries occur… it never gets easier.
In basketball, I went to see the Celtics-Heat game at the AAA Wednesday night. It was packed – with Bostonians! And I thought South Florida was filled with New Yorkers. They must be down here for the warm weather, although last night was a chilly exception.
Speaking of the Heat, Miami’s own Alonzo Mourning has announced his retirement. He’ll be missed but I think he made a good call. Good luck, Zo!
I saw Tim Hardaway and Cris Carter at the game, too! And Carter actually let my friend and me cut in front of him in the garage at the end of the game. How nice.
PS It was great catching up with you... in person. Let's not let 11 months pass by again.
Photo: Lynne Sladky, AP
Monday, January 19, 2009
Now Boarding for Tampa!

So John Henry flew down to the Atlanta area for a one-on-one talk with Varitek (no agent). I hope this is a good sign. Varitek says he wants to stay with the team. I hope we can reach a deal this week. I say drop the agent.

Polamalu: AP
Ben: Streeter Lecka, Getty Images
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Cora's Gone

And Youk signed a four-year deal for $41 mill. What would you do with $41 million? Hm. A lot. I'd buy tickets to a Steelers home game, lower level seats; a Pats homer, lower level; and a Sox game, home plate. I'd fly first class and buy lots of overpriced stuff from the team stores. That would leave me with - $40,995,000 million. But Cora is gone. He's now headed to the Mets. Oh man, I'm sad. He's good, but overlooked. He's saved our butts in a few instances, as my now very-upset mother points out correctly.
So now on to the exciting stuff: Steelers-Ravens. Of course you have to root against Big Ben. What's your issue? I must have been your enemy in another life. It's like everything I like, you hate!
AP photo
Monday, January 12, 2009
Before I go on talking about this past weekend's football games, I want to take a moment to talk about the Dolphins. The playoff loss against the Ravens doesn't take anything away from their fantastic and unimaginable season. I can honestly say "there's always next year" and truly believe it.
Thank you for an unforgivable season. And thank you for getting me, among many, excited to turn on the TV on Sunday afternoons knowing that we had a chance to win.
Til next season, guys!
With that said, the playoffs this season have been a disappointment. No Colts, Dolphins or Giants. And I was rooting for the Chargers yesterday, and they're gone too.
And no, Dear Roxy, I won't be rooting for Ben and the Steelers. As a matter of fact, I'll be rooting for the Ravens and Eagles.
Congratulations to Tim Tebow and the Florida Gators for yet another win. They were the best team.
and yes, the Yankees have signed another great player in Teixeira. Let's hope all of these great players can play together and win!
Speaking of Yankees, congrats to Ricky Henderson for being elected into the Hall of Fame!
As the end of football season approaches, what are we suppose to do between then and baseball season?
Please advice.
PS I read your boy Tom is finally engaged to your favorite supermodel.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Headed to the AFC Championship - Again

So add Smoltz and Penny to the Sox pitching staff. Cool. And I got my spring training tickets. I hate having to wake up at the crack of dawn on a Saturday to get those tickets. And the stress to get my seats of choice is intense! But all is well now. I know you're sad not to be coming with me. I have to work on my playlist for the drive.
And Tebow will play out his senior year. I'm glad. I think it's the smart thing to do in the long run. Congrats to the Gators, although I'm on the 'Canes' side. Nice job representing the state.
Photo: Gregory Shamus, Getty Images
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Blog Hog: New Year Wishes
Happy New Year!
Will Gisele and Tom get married? Will Jeter ever settle down? Will Varitek re-sign with the Red Sox? Will the Yankees blow another season even though they signed top players? Will Dear Criss continue to root for the evil empire? Will she ever join Roxy at another Red Sox spring training game?
We never did our year in review! Oops. Well, let's see. 2008: Our teams all lost and the Dolphins did pretty well. To Be Continued.