Well, I saw Varitek, Pedroia, Ellsbury, Smoltz, Penny, Youk, Beckett, Francona, the works. It was great. Varitek, Papi and Rocco Baldelli hit homeruns over two days. Fantastic! You like my pics? I couldn't help wondering if it was the last time I would see Varitek play in person. How can you not like the Red Sox,
Dear Criss? They are so fun! Everyone was so happy and busy buying merchandise they didn't need. I took it easy this year with just a few things. And even the $3.75 lemonade was extra yummy. Just enough sugar. The sun was h-o-t. It was burning. I used so much sunscreen, it was ridiculous. We need covered seats next time.

As for Stallworth, it's a sad case. Whether or not th

e 59-year-old, on the way to the bus stop after work, was jaywalking or sleepwalking, there's no excuse for his death (even if Stallworth
flashed his beams - hello?!). It's an awful case for both sides.
What about the Cowboy pulled over and delayed by the cops on his way to seeing his dying mother-in-law at the hospital? I don't think my commentary is even necessary on this. Oh my.

On a lighter note, is that Jeter in your picture? What are we gonna do with all our sports pictures? I have to empty my memory disk because it's full. I was literally deleting pictures at the game so I could take new ones!
And Go UConn!
RoxyPhotos by me!