Blog Hog: The Patriots are Coming!

Now that Santana is with the Mets, Dear Criss, I can think about the Sox without fearing for my boys getting shipped off somewhere. I don't have to feel like I wanna puke. Apparently, current polls on Red Sox Nation, conducted by The Boston Globe, show the same feelings. And the stinkin' Yankees didn't get him either! Woo hoo!
Word on the street is New Kids are going on tour. I don't know if there's a place for that on this blog, but I'm not sure how to process it in my brain either. Seriously?
Back to sports. I love media day. There's so much silliness and excitement in the air. Makes you want to skip work to watch SportsCenter all day. Countdown to the Super Bowl! Why are your players wearing red heels by the way? I think you need to look up some of those pics. But I love that Tom is taking pictures of Deion. It's always good to see the high stepper. Priiiiime time.
Team: Jim Davis, Boston Globe
Deion: Harry How, Getty Images