Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Agree to Disagree

Rox, why are we even friends? Anyway, The Steelers? I mean, I do like Ben and all, but come one, Peyton!!! Hello? I'm rooting for the Colts all the way. I've always liked Peyton so it's only fair. Ooh, I didn't tell you... I ended up going to the Heat-Knicks game at the AAA Monday night. It was soo horrible. I like the Heat, but not when they play the Knicks. I was hoping for a close game, but it was over as soon as it started. And these Heat fans are just as bad as the New Yorkers, maybe even worse. I had to stay close to Darrell so I wasn't punched in the face since I was wearing my Knicks cap. Ouch!
I'm glad to see you survived your first Thanksgiving cooking, as for the pie, I can only imagine... Pie and floor it's not a good combination, and neither is running to Publix eight minutes before closing time. I do think, however, that Publix was open on Thanksgiving day, at least for half a day. Just a thought.
And with GG, don't even get me started...
And you are older than me.... hahaha
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Thanksgiving Leftovers Anyone?

So Thanksgiving went well. What's with your 42 dinners? My sister and I cooked the whole thing and mom only supervised and helped with the rice with black eye beans - oh, and some input on the gravy. However, there was a mishap with the pie that involved the floor and required a 10:52 p.m. run to Publix the night before Thanksgiving with an arrival time of two minutes before closing (11 p.m.) But all was well. Moral of the story: always use a cookie sheet.
Oh, and NO to another season of Gilmore Girls. That needs to be wrapped up sweetly this year, please!!! Get married, have a kid, therefore causing conflict with Rory (briefly) then Rory marries I-don't-know-who (please not in a double ceremony), and we all live happily ever after.
They're gonna ruin it.
AP Photo/Keith Srakocic;
Monday, November 28, 2005
Post Thanksgiving
With three Thanksgiving dinners that started last Sunday, I think I gained 10lbs. I was driving all over the state, too. Last Sunday I went to Sunrise for an early Thanksgiving with Darrell's mom, and Thursday afternoon, I went to Cutler Ridge, had TG with D's dad's family, and then drove to Plantation for dinner with MY family. Oh, and I went to Orlando this weekend to visit my dad. I am really adding up my miles, I tell you that much. How was your TG? I hope it was real nice and less traveled than mine. Hahaha.... How was your cooking experience?
I had no time whatsover for football!!! Please update me. I know the Mighty Giants lost bad, and the Dolphins won. Anything else? How did the Pats do? Tonight is the big game: Colt vs Steelers? Go Peyton!!!
Another big game tonight, for me that is. The Knicks vs The Heat. Ooooh... Go Knicks!
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Gobble, Gobble
I don't want to hear about Manny. He toys with your emotions, and I've about had it. He can go to the Mets, to the Angels, or to Japan; but to just throw away everything and leave Papi like that... I guess that's just Manny being Manny? =(
In the grand scheme of things, that really doesn't matter. You're right, Dear Criss. I second your Thanksgiving Thank You Menu: Thank God that we get to spend it with our family, we have our health, friends (like you, I guess ;P), and may I add good food, pumpkin ice cream, pumpkin cheesecake, egg nog, and the end of hurricane season (soon). Let's hope my food comes out good. It's my first year in control of the kitchen. I think my sister's gonna be a co-chef.
Get ready for non-stop football.
Manny out?
Dear Rox, I got some good news FOR ME that is. According to your friend Ortiz, Manny won't play in Boston next year.... hahahaha. He wants to play for a West Coast team.
Sorry to break the news for you, but I wanted to be the first one to tell you that, unless you read it already. Congrats about "Blister" Beckett and "Aching Back" Lowell! They will be a great addition to your already dismantled team...
All kidding aside, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!! There are a lot of things we should be thankful for: Our family, friends, HEALTH, and for been Alive!
Wish you the best.
Monday, November 21, 2005
Florida to Boston

And I'd like to point out that yesterday my Steve Young got his ring - and the 49ers lost, again. Sad, people. Couldn't you have won one for Steve?! But who would've thought this picture would be possible? Man, Steve deserves the love. Good for him. The SF Chronicle said, "beloved" Hall of Famer. Wow. You know you've made it. =)
Yeah, this morning, the DJ reported the news by saying, "And all of our teams lost yesterday." That's pretty lousy. And I'm not big into FL sports, but still.
Hang on, it's almost Thanksgiving "break." I think we both need it. Two days left!
Photo:, Kurt Rogers, San Franciso Chronicle
Three days
Rox, all I know is that it's Monday and we only have to work until Wednesday. Life is good. I hope you had a great weekend. I think I gained 10lbs during mine and so it starts...
Sport weekend For South Florida: Where do we begin: It was bad, ugly, horrible, awful horrific, appalling, horrifying, shocking, gruesome... OK, stop me.... The Canes just destroyed themselves... And lost about $8-9 million for the school on the way. We don't follow hockey, but the Panthers are on a double-digit losing streak... And the Dolphins? Can we get a good quarterback? Anyone, please? The only chance we have is the Heat, and that's because it's still early in the season.
Enough of that. Tell me something good...
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Papi, You're My MVP

As for emergency room visits followed by U2 concerts ... man, that's determination. That's wanting it. That's desire to win. And now, I am talking crazy. Do you remember what they closed with?
This is a short one, folks. Until next time. Hey, did you see the country awards? Kenny Chesney has a concert on t.v. the day before Thanksgiving!! Don't worry, I'll tape it for you, Dear Criss. =)
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
U2 Rocked!!!

I think we all know who your daddy is: A-ROD!!! As if there was any doubt. He should have an extra million dollars in his already hefty bank account. So I will take this time to congratulate and brag about ALEX RODRIGUEZ - MVP, MVP, MVP!!!!!
OMG! I had a wild Monday. So, I woke up sick in the middle of the night Monday and had to go to the ER... So now it's Monday night, and I am at the U2 Concert!!!! OMG, does Bono rock or what? He is so talented and the concert was magnificent.
They had these huge lighted curtains that showed everything from great light work, to people and different countries flags. They also had these huge video screens around the stage that showed them of course, but throught the concert, they showed everything from human rights to the One Campaign. Bono asked everyone to take out their cell phones. It was sooo pretty. It looked like a sky with bright stars. Anyway, he then proceeded to tell us to send a text message to the One Campaign to end poverty and AIDS. It was just incredible. Big thumbs up to that. Oh, yeah, and there was this automatic text reply that said, "Hi, this is Bono, thanks for signing up to the One Campaing.....". And at the end of the night, they showed some of the many people's names who sent the text.
There was this other thing that he did that was amazing too. Howard Cohen from the Miami Herald couldn't have explained it better: "During the new song, Love and Peace or Else, Bono wore a headband with religious symbols and told his gathering that the message meant, ''Coexist.'' Lighted curtains bore a crucifix, Star of David and crescent moon. ''We're all sons of Abraham,'' Bono said, tearing into the 1980s political anthem Sunday Blood Sunday. `This is your song now, America.'''
Everything was done in great taste. OK, so pretty much everything was great.
OK, so after seeing Maroon 5, 3 Doors Down, Green Day, Audioslave, and U2 in one year, I'm concert-out... till next year that is, unless Puddle of Mudd is coming, are they?
PS Did you get lost on the way to the game? I went to Aventura Sunday afternoon and saw that it was the Turnpike exit you needed to take... So there you go, take I-95 to the Turnpike exit, pay the toll and the first exit should leave you right at Dolphins Stadium, not Joe Robbie or Pro-Player, Dolphins!
Photo credit: Gabriel Lopez, Miami Herald staff
Monday, November 14, 2005
"Who's Your Daddy" at the Pats Game?

And finally, Dear Criss, WHAT WERE THEY THINKING NAMING A-FRAUD MVP?!!! OVER BIG PAPI?!! That's a joke. Papi was robbed.
Let's close with thoughts of filled stadiums on a warm Sunday and hanging out with Pats fans - including those dressed up like Revolutionary War soldiers. And the "W," of course. -Roxy
AP Photo;
Friday, November 11, 2005
Play Some Toby Keith on Veterans Day
Yes, hats off to our vets. And I just want to say that I haven't met Criss' cousin, but man, did I think about and pray for him a lot while he was gone! And when you told me he was back from the other side of THE WORLD - I mean, I was planning the party. So, today, Dear Criss, when you hear Toby Keith sing "American Soldier," or "Courtesy of the Red, White & Blue," the first one being my favorite, it will sound a little more sweeter. We all know how big you are into country.
Um, my friend is supposed to take me to the Dolphins - Pats game, and if he blows me off, there's gonna be trouble. I better call him pronto.
You know the duck boat picture? Since I now have a hard copy, I deleted my electronic one two nights ago. It would've been perfect here. Do you have that? Stick it in here if you do. Nice pic on your post, by the way. I smell a new career. That's postcard quality.
And Dave Roberts IS NOT 100!!!! Okay, I laughed. But really.
Veteran's Day

Dave Roberts? Isn't he like 50?
For all of V's friends out there, I LOVE THE CITY OF BOSTON. She will tell you that. I went there last year and fell in love with it. The City, the people, their accent, all of it... And I'm such a good friend, I went to Fenway Pahk and took pictures of the pahk, Ted's statue and bought Red Sox stuff for her and only her! If any of my beloved Yankees would here this, they would be extremely disappointed, but I did it. Just for her. I even took a picture of Damon's and Varitek's signature on the ceiling of those Duck boats. Oh, I am getting sick just thinking about it...
Hey, Rox, I am glad to see your back to your old self.
Anyway, here's a picture of the beloved City of Boston - taken by me ;)
Have a great weekend...
OH, Something very important: Happy Veterans Day to everyone that has put on a uniform. Without you, we wouldn't be here today. A special hi to my cousin Marvin. Glad to see you are back home. I can't forget William and my friends that are in the Marines, Navy, Army, and Air Force.... THANK YOU! And to everyone serving overseas, you are certainly not forgotten, just hurry back home.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Okay, I know it's all speculation, but The Boston Globe and are both speculating about the possibility of the Sox begging Theo to come back. Well, I threw in "begging." But did I not say that the other day? Scroll down to my last post. I hope Theo read Shaughnessy's column.
AND, more speculation, but seems like there were some talks with the old Padres for a trade of Wells for a pitcher AND DAVE ROBERTS!! I can't contain myself. I know anything can happen, but that's the point. WHAT IF?!
And as for my friends, they just have good Sox-sense, Dear Criss; not hostility. They are, how do you say, "wikid smaht." =) -Roxy
Some hostility detected
Hello, Rox. I detected some hostility on your friend Kim's part. Hey, I was just stating the truth... Get over it, they lost Theo, and might lose Damon, Millar, Mueller, and Manny. Maybe they will all make up their own team...
And Mariano got robbed. He was mugged. He was pistol-whipped!!!
Anyway, enough of that... You know I like the Patriots, but above the Pats is the Colts. Go Peyton!!!!
I went to the Heat game Monday night. They had a half-time celebration for Dan Marino. I have to say congrats to Dan the Man for the great job he did for the Dolphins throughout his 17 years with the team... I didn't want that to go unsaid. I have a pic, but not with me now... I suppose I can post it later.
Monday, November 07, 2005
Wow, She's a Trash Talker

Theo: Here's my new theory: What if they can win Theo back? I read an article where Varitek was really upset about this and wanted to talk to him. Listen to the Captain, everyone. I mean, it's clearly so stupid what happened. Buy him a boat or something and make him happy. I don't care, just do something.
Varitek: A hearty congrats for the Gold Glove. And the Silver Slugger, the Pulitzer and Nobel. Oh, and no lie, apparently, there's Jason Varitek Bubble Gum. It's $19.95.
Tom Brady: Did anyone see him on 60 Minutes last night? I knew he was nice and all, but man, I didn't know he was that nice. Pretty cool guy. Wow.
Head of the Charles: I know this already happened in Oct., but it's always been one of my favorite things in Boston, and therefore wins Picture of the Post.
Photo: My old newspaper: The Daily Free; Ashleigh Bateman
Friday, November 04, 2005
Is someone still crying?
Hey, Rox. I hope you're not hiding underneath your covers since Theo resigned... Get up!!! They don't care about you, why should you? Didn't you see Fever Pitch? I think you did - with me!!! That little kid talking to Fallon about the Sox... If I am not mistaken, he asked Fallon if the Red Sox have ever loved him back.... I think not!!!! was the answer... So, get up! It's a beautiful day in South Florida....
Tomorrow night is the big day. Go Canes!!!
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
The 1998 Marlins?
Dear Roxy, your team is starting to look like the dismantled 1998 Florida Marlins. And you should remember those very well, I mean, we do live here. Wow! First Millar and Mueller, Damon, Myers, the Manny rumors and now Theo. Can't say I feel bad for you or them because we all know that would be a big fat lie....
BTW, Congrats on Bruschi. I can't say that I've been watching ESPN lately. It's so funny, after baseball season is over, SportsCenter is not as fun as it is when baseball season is on.
Ok, so did you watch Prison Break? That, my friend, is the best show on television.... I'm hooked.
Is anything else happening?
I need to be back to normal. Help, anyone?