Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Back in the Good Old Days

Moving on, we now know where the top hot prospects in the NFL draft have landed. It'll be interesting to see who really knocks us out with talent. How many games will the Dolphins win this year, Dear Criss? I'm gonna say 6-10. Will the Pats get back to the Super Bowl? I think they have to - and need to actually win it. Dallas and New England in the Super Bowl. Oh, I would feel bad for a Romo-Super-Bowl loss, so maybe it should be someone else against the Pats. I'm a softy.
But look at the NBA playoffs. The Jazz and the Celtics, still in it! I'm interested, but not enough to sit through a game. As you can imagine, I think it would be cool for the Celtics to win. But how 'bout the Jazz finally taking it? I can picture John Stockton sitting in the stands watching. Perhaps a haltime ceremony in his honor. I'm still not ready to play nice with Malone after he went to the Lakers - the NBA equivalent of the Yankees at the time.
Photo: ESPN.com
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Long week
Thank you, Dear Roxy. It has been a tough couple of days but I'm back.
First off, congrats to Danika Patrick for becoming the first woman to win an IndyCar event! That's awesome!
And Congrats to Eli Manning for getting hitched!
With A-Rod out of the lineup, the Yankees managed to win against the ChiSox last night. I completely forgot the game was airing on ESPN so I only catched a few innings... the most important ones.
I did watch DWTS on Monday though. Although Jason wasn't at his best, he still managed to survive elimination. It's getting tougher each week. And what's with all these trade talk? I'm a little concerned.
The Draft is this weekend! And Jake Long better be good, especially with $30 mil guaranteed.
Are you watching the NBA playoffs? Yeah, me neither.
And I know I saw them together at the Sony Ericsson match, but is Dwayne Wade dating Star Jones? A lil' hard to believe.
And you know how I feel about V-tek and his dirty Sox. Eeew!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Blog Hog: Birthdays & Number One Picks

Oh, Dear Criss, I'm sorry about your wisdom tooth. I hope you're resting and didn't feel as much pain as I did. But to make you feel better, let me send you some Red Sox sunshine. I realized I never celebrated Varitek's birthday on here. So happy belated birthday to Varitek! I know you would share similar sentiments if you could speak. And if I had known the other night that your punks hit Manny, you would have had a longer posting from me. Anyway, how about that sweep of Texas? Too bad the Bruins couldn't pull off game seven. Too bad I missed another marathon. It was sunny, too, for once.

This sounds like a soap.
Okay, feel better. I'll keep the good times rolling here as long as I have to, don't worry.
Tek, Francona: AP
Marathon: Boston Globe Staff, Bill Greene
Thursday, April 17, 2008
The Man of the Night/Season

And you’re lucky you didn’t get called for interference last night.
On another note, have I mentioned how weird it is to drive by the Orange Bowl everyday and see it half torn down? It’s a little funky. I don’t like it. And the Marlins aren’t doing too shabby. You think they’ll really get a new ballpark? Do you think people would actually consistently show up? Oh gosh, I’m so over that debate. Sorry I brought it up.
Hey, did you see how my Millar hit a homerun this week? That’s my boy. BRING HIM BACK! Oh yes, and Gabe Kaplar – hot dang! Can we have him, too? I'd like to keep the family together, but I think the roster would be overflowing. I’d make a terrible GM.
Photo: Jeff Zelevansky, Getty Images
Photo: Jeff Zelevansky, Getty Images
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Too long
I second your '5-hour Yankees-Red Sox games' comment, Dear Roxy. I mean, I could hardly keep my eyes open for the final out of Sunday's game. It's just April, people. Luckily, Saturday's game was an afternoon game or I would've been in the same spot as Sunday. If it wasn't for the 2+ hour rain delay, the game would've ended in 3+ hours, I think.
So 3 games down and approximately 3,201 to go... what a long season it's gonna be! I seriously get too stressed for these games. Maybe I shouldn't watch them, for my own health.
Jeter is back! Ok, how weird was it watching a Yankees-Red Sox game with Jeter out of the lineup? Surreal. Alberto Gonzalez, his replacement, wasn't too bad. In fact, he was pretty good, and got his first major league game and RBI while at it. Kudos!
And how good was Joba saying the lineup on Saturday's game on Fox? Pretty funny and cool! Speaking of Joba, my prayers to him and his family; Joba's dad is in the hospital.
A big Congrats to A-Rod for hitting his 521st homerun. That ties him for 15th all-time with Ted Williams and Willie McCovey.
And to that loser who buried Papi's jersey at the site of the new Yankee Stadiu, wtf?!@$ Can you be more immature?! Those are the type of Sox' fans I hate... you, Roxy, not so much ;)
Monday, April 14, 2008
Hey, Manny!

You've got to be from another planet, Dear Criss, to be talking Red Sox-Yankees and call my boys dirty. You obviously have had your eyes closed for a few Yankee baseballs to the body, hand swipes at gloves, elbows to the groin, and fight instigating.
Luckily, this weekend's series turned out pretty well. Somebody tell me who is this Casey?! I mean, he really had some good stuff last night. I think it's fair to say he's hungry to win. Keep it coming. And Manny woke up. He's back. I couldn't stay up all night watching, so I set the VCR, and yes, I panicked this morning when I hit rewind and saw Delcarmen wrapping things up. But he did it. Good job. Why does every Red Sox-Yankees game have to be a five-hour playoff game? It's just APRIL!
So now I'm watching Red Sox-Indians, and Lester is making me a little nervous in the fifth. Can he stop the Indians from creeping that score up? (Please, Francona, pull him.) Will my guys hit some runs in soon? Hope so. We'll find out tomorrow.
Photo: Globe Staff, Matthew J. Lee
Friday, April 11, 2008
Here we go again
And now my injured and stumbling team will face your dirty Sox! Red Sox-Yankees only means one thing: We shall not speak this weekend.
I will put my game face tonight although they won't be airing the game... oh, but tomorrow and Sunday... what a delight (I hope) it will be.
Congrats to both Kansas and Tennessee for their championship wins!
The whole Olympic protest has to stop. Come on, people, it's the Olympics!!!
Jason Taylor had another amazing performance on DWTS. I also found myself voting...
And I know this is not sports related, but Michael Johns is out on American Idol! WTF?!@#%-Criss
Photo: Mine.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Blog Hog: Opening Day at Fenway

Bring out the rings!
Everyone stood up for Bill Buckner, who threw out the opening pitch at Fenway, Dear Criss. Really nice moment. He shed a tear or two, and I think there's some baseball closure for the poor man. Some respect and redemption for him now.
Everyone stood up for Bill Buckner, who threw out the opening pitch at Fenway, Dear Criss. Really nice moment. He shed a tear or two, and I think there's some baseball closure for the poor man. Some respect and redemption for him now.

Buckner: Jim Davis, The Boston Globe
Ring: George Rizer, Globe Staff
Banners: John Tlumacki, Globe
Monday, April 07, 2008
Home Opener

So Boston is getting ready for its home opener. How about making it a winning opener? That would mean breaking a tradition, yes. I mean, I know they've been on the road and tired since Japan, but now everyone needs to have a good night's sleep, some home cooking, their hair done at their favorite place, then go to Fenway and stop making us fans worry so early. Promise?
I need to stop reading stories about Varitek, his contract and his future. It's just too stressful (especially when I remember there's no Mirabelli), and I choose not to think about those things. Let 'Tek play until he wishes, and we'll all live happily ever after. Sign here, Theo. And add an extra zero.
Photo: The Boston Globe, Jim Davis
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Game Ball!
The Yanks were off to a good start till the Rays came to town. They took 2/3 games! The Yanks always have trouble with them. Weird.
Joe Torre as a Dodger seemed strange but he's off to a good start. Kudos to him.
But before the official baseball season started, the Yankees played two exhibition games against the Marlins. I had amazing seats for both games but Game 2 behind first base was definitely the best. Jeter made it to first base at one point, which means he was only a mere 10-20 feet away from me. oh, the memories! And what's a game without some photos? I know you'll enjoy these.
In other sports, I had an opportunity to watch Serena in the Sony Ericcson Open! It was unbelievable to say the least. It was great and hot. We'll talk about my sunburn in another occasion.
Serena, of course, won but not without a battle from Jocovic. Great match! We also stayed and watched the Bryan brothers win in the men's doubles final! And last but not least, what's a game without some "celebrities"? I saw Dwayne Wade (and his bling), Star Jones, Owen Wilson and Woody Harrelson!.jpg)
Serena, of course, won but not without a battle from Jocovic. Great match! We also stayed and watched the Bryan brothers win in the men's doubles final! And last but not least, what's a game without some "celebrities"? I saw Dwayne Wade (and his bling), Star Jones, Owen Wilson and Woody Harrelson!
The Knicks have a new president. I think this means Isaiah is out. Too bad that didn't work out but something needs to be done in order for the Knicks to be contenders again. Come on, it's been forever!
And speaking of the Knicks, former Knicks and current Heat coach, Pat Riley, was elected into the basketball's Hall of Fame! And joining him is Patrick Ewing!!! I loved those two in the great Knicks team of the 90s! Oh, Dick Vitale and Hakeem Olajuwon were elected too. Congrats to all!
I haven't been following much of the NCAA's playoffs, but the two players that caught my attention, Davidson's Stephen Curry and UCLA's Kevin Love, are both out. Good run, boys!
I haven't been following much of the NCAA's playoffs, but the two players that caught my attention, Davidson's Stephen Curry and UCLA's Kevin Love, are both out. Good run, boys!
And may the best team win tonight!
Photos: Mine
Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Well, Dear Criss, after a long week of work I am semi-sick again. My throat has been burning and I haven't slept, so I left work early. I didn't call you back again b/c I'm in a whisper-only state. Oh boy! Do you hear the violins?
Baseball in America - It's time! I'm going to ask Curty Schilling to stop yapping it up about Canseco. Oh my gosh that man can talk - both of them, actually. And it looks like you've moved into Joe Robbie (Dolphins Stadium, whatever) for all those Yankees-Marlins games. Did you see the Mets, too? Why don't you have pics of this or Sony Ericsson?
I know you're not into college basketball, but I'd like to boast that I have three out of the Final Four correct on my office brackets. Although Boise State is out (stop laughing), I still have Memphis in the championship game. Go Memphis! The prize is a Starbucks card, but I might go with the pizza that the others wanted if they won.
If Common was so well known, why haven't I heard of him? Don't pull the country card. Did he perform at Matsui's wedding (and who really cares if Matsui got married - remind me to update you on Red Sox marriages)?
Photo: Jim Davis, The Boston Globe